Archive for the ‘Podbooker’ Category
Sunday, April 19th, 2009

Oh it is me!
Blog Talk Radio~Podioracket~Horroraddicts~a new short~and more! OMG!
There is so much happening with me that it is hard to get it all in. The new book, When Ethers Descend, is coming along. You can subscribe here listen and comment. The first is Michele Rogers interview on Dark Matters and then there is an extra 10 minutes of why we went blog talk too. A Big Thank You to Dr. Sally Witt for helped me get it all going. I really believe and I think Heather agrees that this is a mostly untapped audience for We are very excited! You can find out more on April 20, 2009 when Heather and I will be on blogtalkradio, Monday noon Pacific three Eastern time, talking about Podioracket. We would love to have some callers from Podiobooks. It is a good way to spread the word about your book on the air with a proven audience. Come and call into the show and talk to us!
After the show with Sally, Podioracket will be releasing the second episode for BlogTalkRadio at 8:30 pm PST. In this episode we interview authors Philippa Ballantine and Patrick McLean. We have new contest announcements, a tip from Emerian Rich, and the news.
At this week I am uploading the completed version of Sometimes Enough is Enough, a scary, but realistic short that was done for the coming season 3 of Look for the audio to be featured at the end of season 3 and there is a contest associated with it and it will be posted here when the contest kickes off. The Wicked Women Writes strike again.
The Mark of a Druid hit 50,000 downloads this week on Itunes! Wooowhoooo! And I want to say a big thank you to all of the people who have left such nice and helpful comments there and at or blogged about the book. You are the people that make it all the hard work worth it. Thank you!
The new site for the book is coming along. Go sing up and enter the contest, leave a question or comment for a character. More characters are coming this week.
Heather and I are so pleased that we have been invited to be one of the voices for We will be starting a feed there by invitation of Evo Terra. No tips in these it is just for the listener! But you can always get the tips on the regular feed at and soon on the Tips page. We are currently looking for a player so we can give the tips alone to the and other authors out there. So in the next few weeks we will make this happen!
Now off to write the Got Insight Blog for this week will be about reaching out to others.
Keep writing I know I will!
Rhonda R Carpenter
Tags: Add new tag, blogtalkradio, podiobooks,, rhonda carpenter
Posted in Bloggettiblogblogblog, Podbooker | No Comments »
Wednesday, March 18th, 2009
Its out!
The first episode of is now available. Listen to it online. It is just over 17 minutes long:
or download it: Episode 1.
See the Show Notes for additional information mentioned in the show as well as links, videos, and credits.
This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now
Tags: contests, episode one, new releases and just completed works, news, podiobooks, podioracket
Posted in Bloggettiblogblogblog, Podbooker | No Comments »
Friday, March 13th, 2009
Dear authors, upcoming authors and their devoted fans,
We’re announcing, a podcast dedicated to authors and their releases. We want to be the natural place people go for your announcements, promotional events, tips, and to hear the first interviews as novels debut on
We have a rough cut of our first episode, but there’s still time to add a few timely announcements. We’ll also accept your input for future episodes (releasing roughly every two weeks but it will depend on the number of interviews and releases on the calendar.)
Help us raise a racket about you and Here’s what we’re looking for:
1) Interviews with new authors: This is the core of the show- speak to listeners and get them to give your book a try as it comes out. See our site for submission guidelines. We’ll time your interviews close to your release date so you build a buzz.
2) Announcements: News on awards, contests, timely promotions, and publishing announcements from all authors. Let us know what’s happening with you! We’ll stockpile these.
3) Tips: We’d love to have the voices of experienced authors as part of the show. Send us an audio clip with your advice to future writers and podcasters and we’ll play it. Keep the tip less than 2 minutes. Send us an email with your tip idea first so that we don’t get duplicates:
4) Completed authors: We want to hear from you when you start, but we also want to acknowledge the completion of a book. Stay in touch, let us know when your book completes and join in the racket!
We hope you love this idea as much as we do. Check us out, ask us questions, follow us on twitter @podioracket, and let’s all work together to let listeners know more about the people making happen.
Heather Roulo
Rhonda R. Carpenter
Tags: contests, interviews,, podioracket, tips
Posted in Bloggettiblogblogblog, Podbooker | No Comments »
Sunday, February 15th, 2009
Photo by Henry Diltz
Welcome Readers!
This week I uploaded the last chapter (episode 33) in Book One of The Mark of a Druid Series!
Next week will be the final upload for this podcast. I will be producing this week the first chapter for When Ethers Descend. This is the next book in the series. And while it is not yet wholly written, I wanted you all to get a taste for book two.
What is next for The Mark of a Druid?
A larger presence as a PDF and other formats is in order! I hope to even catch up with Arlene Radasky’s The Fox, and make it to iphone and digital formats.
I also ask for listener help last week on I meant it and wanted to say thank you to all of the listeners that commented both live and in email form. Thank you! I have taken your comments seriously and have reproduced episode 1 and 2 this week. They are now live. I hope they are better. I will be reproducing episode 3 this week and I hope I will be able to maintain the schedule this week and have it live on Sunday afternoon. But either way I want to you know your comments are greatly appreciated and I am doing something about the stilted speaking patterned you all noticed in the first 3 episodes along with Quality. These were the episodes I recorded in my old office so unless there is something else you guys notice these will be the only ones I redo. This pod cast novel has been a huge learning experience for me and I am thrilled that it is getting such great reviews again keep them coming. And if you know someone who prefers to read the book is available at Amazon!
Now for the what’s next? Section a new colleague and I are working on a podcasting idea and when it is firmed up I’ll be share it. Until then, know I am writing every day! YES! It feels great!This Week’s Recommendation: I suggest you go nab Fractured Horizon By H.E. Roulo. She is a wonderful author and her book is now complete and free for you to enjoy. It is a hot story that has a logical and fun plot line. Technology and cloning a race of superior warriors called the Adams vs. the Royals who have some very interesting capabilities themselves. And Kay her main character, is someone I have had a blast flowing through time with. Don’t miss this one go to and get all the episodes now. You won’t be disappointed, I loved it and am now looking forward to listening again straight through!
Visit her blog at Fractured Horizon Novel’s official site!
Click here to hear the Promo Now!
Remember to enter The Mark of a Druid 2009 Contest in the 2009 Contest Series at week’s winners will be announced in just a few hours in the weekly blog on the book site. The new contest #4 will also be announced and will end on 3/01/2009 enter and win the next round!
Keep Writing, I know I will!
Rhonda R. Carpenter
If at any time you need to contact me please send and email to!
Tags: Blogging, fiction, free audio book, marketing, podcast,, rhonda carpenter, Rhonda R Carpenter, the mark of a druid, weekly blog, writing
Posted in Bloggettiblogblogblog, Podbooker | No Comments »
Friday, January 30th, 2009
Photo by Henry Diltz
Welcome Readers!
There is nothing I have found more exciting as seeing a desire or dream happen and happen bigger than you ever imagined.
When you spend years doing something and then find this incredible way to put it out into the world, for me it is tremendously excited. I hope that all of you will get excited too. Things are changing in the publishing world and while I believe there will always be paper books I think that podcasting and audio as well as PFD and other electronic forms are just going to become more and more popular.
I have struggled with many aspects of putting this book out there, The Mark of a Druid, into print and podcast; having said that, it has been fun to take this first journey into publishing in several different venues at the same time. The journey is not over by a long shot. When Ethers Descend is in progress and I am so excited about having time to write on a grander scale.
Marketing is one of my biggest challenges. So please bare with me through this weekend when the formal release happens. I will be twittering about the numbers on February 1, 2009 throughout the day. We Arlene Radasky and I will be telling our friends on all of our social networking sites. It will be this one day that we are asking you to help us rise in the rankings by purchasing our books and/or rating, commenting, reviewing The Fox and The Mark of a Druid.
Our interview with went live last night. It is very funny and the bloopers are classic. Gary and Ruth from the have placed a written interview in their blog. have posted an author news blog about the rush called the Celtic Bums Rush.
Learn more about upcoming web event at The Buzz
Remember to enter The Mark of a Druid 2009 Contest #2 in the 2009 Contest Series at This week’s winner will be announced in just a few hours in the weekly blog! Win a free singed copy of The Mark of a Druid and other very cool Celtic stuff this week it is a Sterling Silver Celtic Cross. The Next Winner to be announced 2/01/2009 During the Rush!
This weeks recommendation. Do you like horror? Then you should check out Dark Matters By Michele Roger She is so spooky!
Keep Writing, I know I will!
Rhonda R. Carpenter
Tags: Blogging, fiction, marketing, Michele Roger, podcast,, rhonda carpenter, Rhonda R Carpenter, the fox, the mark of a druid, weekly blog, writing
Posted in Bloggettiblogblogblog, Podbooker | No Comments »
Sunday, November 30th, 2008
Photo by Henry Diltz
Welcome Readers!
1. Never ever tell your computer person that you may be interested in doing some quality video in the near future, because inevitably that will lead to a new this or a better that for your computer. Not that upgrading is a bad thing. Just don’t do it in the middle of a podcast.
2. Never change up your equipment in the middle of the podcast. If your settings are good then stick with it. And if you must do #1 above… Write your setting down!
3. Never loose that editing groove. I’ve found while podcasting The Mark of a Druid that I do much better cranking out a couple of episodes a week. But with the holidays and work demands it is not always easy to do. And because #1 and #2 above happened… I found I had a hard time finding my groove-thing with the editing.
4. Never assume that since the microphone hasn’t changed that it will sound the same after an upgrade. I ran headlong without doing one darn sound check and recorded 4 chapters only to have a hideous buzz that I could not get out… And because #1, #2, #3 above happened… I lost two full nights of recording and it was all my fault.
5. Never give up. Listen, if I can do this podcasting thing and do it from my office and turn out good quality listening, have fun in the process, learn as much as I can every day—then you can do it too.
Bonus #6 On the never do this when you are podcasting list is: Never tell your audience that you will be on time and then be late. Have a reserve. Don’t give away everything all at once unless you can release the whole book in one shot. And yes, I have heard of that being done from a few authors on The idea of a serialized podcasted novel is to let the listener listen at their conveyance either as it comes out or to wait and listen when the entire book has been released. But as a listener here and I listen a lot. I tend to get discouraged when a book is rolling along and I am ready for my weekly fix only to find the author didn’t upload it. Now I know life happens. Heck it happens to us all, but if there is a reserve then the reader doesn’t feel that sense of being forgotten.
In short never ask for more until you are ready and then you will not have to hassle the change until you are ready. That being said I love the new system and the sound is wonderful.
Last announcement! Thanks Gary and Ruth of Celtic Myth Podshow for playing the promo and all your kind words about the book in Episode 18. Love your show!
You can hear it too at Subscribe by RSS, Zune, iTunes or listen on their site!
Keep Writing! I Know I Will!
Rhonda R. Carpenter
Tags: book release, Celtic, dreams, druid, fantasy, fiction, hypnosis, novels, past lives, podcast, podcasting, promo, reincarnation, rhonda carpenter, Rhonda R Carpenter, Rhonda's other sites, shape shifter, the mark of a druid, trance, what not to do when podcasting
Posted in Bloggettiblogblogblog, Podbooker | No Comments »
Sunday, October 12th, 2008
Photo by Henry Diltz
Welcome Readers!
The Mark of a Druid. Is fairing better than I ever expected!
If you haven’t subscribed yet it is free!
You can get The Mark of a Druid, serialized podcast of the novel. here is the page address All of the episodes that are available now on,, Mobli,, Digg, Itunes and other places as well. The Episodes are available at the same time at (usually a few hours before) at under the Episode sections where you can listen to them on the site with no download or download them. I am considering doing an extended version for but have not made up my mind yet how that will work.
And my favorite kind of writing weather is almost upon the mountains where I live. There is nothing better for me than the fog dancing on the forest floor to inspire me to tell a story. Add to that a warm fire in the hearth and the silence that comes with winter in a resort community and it makes my mind wonder in and out of plots and subplots. The voices of my characters call to me to scribe their words and emotions. They scream, “tell my story,” and I must listen.
So you might asked what is the next book? I started a historical fiction novel based on a true story that is about ¼ done called Truth Slithers. And I have the first few chapters of the next book in the The Mark of a Druid Series in the works. The title you ask? Drum Roll Please…. When Ethers Descend.
More about the contest that is coming up. As you may have read the cover of this book is mighty special as there are lots (nope not saying how many yet) hidden images from the book in the artwork. Sometime in the next month we will be launching the contest and I can’t wait. The artist who painted the oil on canvas, Miss Amie Perry will not even tell me all the locations and I have found many of them and she says there are more. Thanks Amie that means I get to play the game too, but I can’t win anything. That just wouldn’t be fair. There will be formal rules and the prizes are very cool. Posters of the cover art, greeting cards and copies of the book all dual autographed by both me the author and Amie the artist. I have my very own Web GOD! Dave from who is full of very cool interactive ideas for the book site and how the contest can be interactive on the web so look for announcements about that as the day gets closer and tons of other cool stuff for the readers to get involved in. I figure if we are going interactive lets take it to a new level.
The Print Version?
I have approved the final cover polish and the print versions hardback and paperback of The Mark of a Druid are in print set up right now. So in a couple of weeks tops I will be holding this labor of love in my hands!!!! Can’t wait! Then it will go live at the iuniverse bookstore website and a few weeks after that we will be announcing the contest and going live on and as well as bookstores and outlets everywhere in the USA. .
If you have been following the progress of the endeavor then you know there has been a lot of work and I am very excited how well it is going. I was checking the stats for hits on Friday of this week and I was shocked. In a good way. 81,219 hits between and and it is not even the half way point yet. So keep coming back and tell a friend. Thank you all so much it feels great to have so much interest.
If you haven’t noticed the blog roll to your right or the Hot Promo page you should take a minute and hear what else is out there. I started Fractured Horizon by H.E. Roulo and I am totally impressed with the story so this may be one you will want to follow if you want a story that is original and read very well by the author. And congratulations H.E. For hitting the The Podiobooks Top Ten #1 slot! For the most downloads in the last 30 days! Great Job! So what are waiting for check it out. You won’t be disappointed. I haven’t been.
As I have been unable to record this week because my oldest son was in a car accident and is in living room recovering from double pelvis fractures. Poor guy! Sorry “G” But no worries I have episodes in reserve for just such a problem. How did I know??? Hey life happens you just need to be as prepared as possible. So if push comes to shove and I hope it doesn’t, I will be good for 4 more weeks of episodes before things get critical. I promise I will do my best not to let the listeners down. I know I have a problem when I get into a book and then all of a sudden there is a gape in installments. So I said I would not do that to my listeners. Hence the reserve!
Okay I have prattled on enough. Remember leave a comment either here or or itunes. It helps and only takes a second you don’t have to tell your real name. But I would so help me to know what you are thinking and what you like or don’t like so I can do this better for the next books. All comments are appreciated.
Keep Writing! I Know I Will!
Rhonda R. Carpenter
Tags: druid, fantasy, fiction, hypnosis, novels, pod novel, podcast release,, promo, rhonda carpenter, Rhonda's other sites, shape shifter, the mark of a druid, trance
Posted in Bloggettiblogblogblog, Podbooker | No Comments »
Sunday, October 5th, 2008
Yes! The Mark of a Druid has officially reached 100 subscribers in less than a week. And it is all because you guys! Thank you. And Enjoy the read. on or
Keep subscribing!
Tags: audio book free, fantasy, fiction, free audio book, hypnosis, novel, past life, Podbooker,, ratings, regression, rhonda carpenter, the mark of a druid
Posted in Bloggettiblogblogblog, Podbooker | No Comments »
Sunday, October 5th, 2008
Photo by Henry Diltz
Welcome Readers!
What a wonderful week for The Mark of a Druid.
If you haven’t subscribed yet it is free!
You can get The Mark of a Druid, serialized podcast of the novel. here is the page address
Sign up for an account there is no cost involved. At that time you will be able to add my book to your subscriber’s list or any of the others. It is free! And you can snag the promo here! post it to your website send it to your email, chat buddies, put it up on your myspace, facebook and talk about it on twitter and please tell a friend! And let me know if you have a podcast you would like me to promo other podcasters.
All of the episodes that are available now on,, Mobli, and Digg, soon Itunes and other places as well.
The Episodes are available one week before at under the podcast section where you can listen to them on the site with no download or download them.
Sunday is upload day as well as Blog night, but my son was just in an accident and I am typing this as I wait for which hospital I need to go to. I don’t think it is serious as he called me just after it happened. Back to Biz…So keep up with what is going on and get your weekly fix of The Mark of a Druid.
The Print Version?
As I type this blog I am awaiting the final cover design so I can approve it. Let’s just say it was not easy to get to this stage. Also if you haven’t paid close attention to the cover art as there are hidden symbols and I will be starting a contest with a ton of great prizes for identifying them. More on this when I have a release date from Iuniverse.
The interior of the book has been approved and now we only wait on the cover finish and we are in printer set up mode. So for those of you who are waiting for the print versions hold on it is coming I promise!
If you haven’t noticed the blog roll to your right you should stop by and check out Fractured Horizon by H.E. Roulo I am starting it this week and will leave a review when I am done.
This week is about podcasting. Out there tell everyone that the book is available. Market, Market Market. Edit Episode 14 which is recorded but not edited. And write the press releases. Scary!
Also this week the book was promoted on J.D. Sawyers Antithesis and Edward G. Tabolt’s New Word Order as well as Emriane Rich’s Horror Addicts. Thank you all for adding my promo. You’re the best! See these authors’ works in the hot promo section of this site. Very cool stuff.
Keep Writing! I Know I Will!
Rhonda R. Carpenter
Tags: audio book free, fantasy, fiction, free audio book, hypnosis, novel, past life, ratings, regression, rhonda carpenter, the mark of a druid
Posted in Bloggettiblogblogblog, Podbooker | No Comments »
Sunday, September 28th, 2008
Photo by Henry Diltz
Welcome Readers!
I am so excited that I have reached this level of production with the book. Tomorrow…
Monday… September 29, 2008
You can get The Mark of a Druid, serialized podcast of the novel. Where you ask? It is going live on Please notice this page is not live until the day of release. Sign up for an account there is no cost involved. At that time you will be able to add My book to your subscriber’s list or any of the others. It is free! And you can snag the promo here! post it to your website send it to your email, chat buddies, put it up on your myspace, facebook and talk about it on twitter and please tell a friend! And let me know if you have a podcast you would like me to promo in reciprocation.
All of the episodes that are available on and soon Itunes and other places are available one week before at under the podcast section where you can listen to them on the site with no download or download them.
Sunday is upload day as well as Blog night. So keep up with what is going on and get your weekly fix of The Mark of a Druid.
So Why Free?
This is completely a personal decision. I know that in my home my husband is more the listener and I am the hold the book in my hands gal, although, I do listen too. As a new author people don’t know about me and this is one of many ways I am getting my name and the story out there. As I move forward with the publication process for the print books I am confident that the free release of the podcast version will build some chatter and help with letting those know that the book is about to be out there in print. The pod casting has been totally fun and educational and I can’t imagine release any book with out using this kind of medium. Like any author, I want people to read or listen and cash dollars while important and graciously accepted for all the long hours of work I simply want to write and be read. So there you have it: 1. It is a marketing tool and 2. It is fun! 3. It has worked for the big boys.
Speaking of Marketing the book and fun! We will be announcing a contest as soon as we have a release date for the print version is given to me so stay tuned for that and the new website for the book going live around the same time there will be so many things to talk about as that gets closer.
Talking about the print versions and E-book versions… This week the cover proofs came in. At the end of the process, I will give a review of the iuniverse’s way of doing business and how my experience went with this self publishing company. All of you authors out there will want to read that when it comes out it promises to be very eye opening and will help you in making the decision as to what company to go with. I am also hoping I can talk Arlene Radasky into reviewing her company as she has made the first steps toward publishing The Fox. Congrats Arlene! The way it is looking it may be about the same time frame. That should perk your ears as she just started. Hmmmm.
The cover proof sheet was retuned to my PSA today and when he arrives tomorrow I should get confirmation that it is received. So another deadline beat by days and the next step after the answering of a couple of questions will be print set up and author proof after that, it is 1 ½ to 2 weeks for the interior and exterior changes to be done and 14 business days to do the print set up with the printers. Ahhhh! Then I will be getting a release date for Barnes and Noble and Amazon and it will be available on Iuniverse first. I am so excited!
This week is about podcasting. Out there tell everyone that the book is available. Market, Market Market. Edit Episode 12 which is almost done and start on Episode 13 which is recorded but not edited. And write the press releases. Scary!
Also this week the book was promoted on J.D. Sawyers Antithesis and Edward G. Tabolt’s New Word Order as well as Emriane Rich’s Horror Addicts. Thank you all for adding my promo. You’re the best! See these authors works in the hot promo section of this site. Very cool stuff.
Keep Writing! I Know I Will!
Rhonda R. Carpenter
Tags: druid, fantasy, fiction, hypnosis, novels, pod novel, podcast release,, promo, rhonda carpenter, Rhonda's other sites, shape shifter, the mark of a druid, trance
Posted in Bloggettiblogblogblog, Podbooker | No Comments »