Archive for the ‘Bloggettiblogblogblog’ Category

Auction Announcement The Boom Effect

Sunday, February 21st, 2010

A few words from Philippa Ballantine about The Boom Effect action this saturday.

Many podiobook listeners and producers will know by now that this year began very badly for Tee Morris, one of the founding father’s of He is now facing raising his daughter, affectionately known as SonicBoom by himself after the death of her mother.

Many donated to the ChipIn fund which helped with the immediate expenses surrounding Natalie’s death, and even left a portion over to begin a trust fund. However, as those of you with kids know, raising them is not cheap – let alone sending them to college!

So I thought ‘hey maybe I’ll auction off a few things I have here’ (Mainly the Weather Child original manuscript) – and it kinda snowballed from there. The Boom Effect auction is now hitting 70 auction lots, and I know there are more to come.

People have done some amazing craft projects, donated rare and beautiful things, and been very creative with what services they are offering.

I’m just going to highlight a few of the auction lots that writers and podcasters and listeners might be interested in




And those are just a tiny sample of the amazing things people are donating to help Sonic Boom into the future. Check out the lots here.

The auction will be hosted by Podcasting’s Rich Sigfrit at 10am EST 27th February 2010 live on ustream.

If you’re a podcaster- the promo for the event is here.

You can also find us on Facebook as an event, follow us on twitter orsubscribe to the RSS feed as more auctions are still being added.

This is a great way for us to come together as a community. We’re going to give a little girl options, and one day she’s going to look back and be amazed at what the podcasting/social media community did and how much fun we had doing it.

The Boom Effect Promo

Whats Shaking?

Monday, January 25th, 2010

Yes, it is completely cold and we have more snow coming this week.


So the WWW knows tomorrow is the first day of weekly readings in SL of The Mark of a Druid. The readings will be live and be a pretty straight read with some sound effects for POV changes if I can get it set up in time. Readings will happen at 2:00 PM SLT which translates to 2:00 PM PST.


Then for the USA we will be doing a 5:00 PM SLT/PST play of the podcast. We don’t know how this schedule will go over or if I can get it set up correctly But I a excited about expanding my presents in SL.

I also have two interviews coming up in SL. They are as follows:

February 4th 5:00pm SLT/PST at Netera Landar Coffee Shop


Then on February 17th at 7:00 PM SLT/PST I am honored to be asked by The West Of Ireland Library Group to do an interview and reading from The Mark of a Druid. This group is a charity organization that sponsors Children one paired one form northern Ireland and one from Southern Ireland for a summer spent in a American home in an effort to dispel old myths that there is a need for ancient hatreds of their surroundings. All donations of to this group and everyone with WOI donate their time and abilities to many SL projects that are both fun and funny on their sim.


Podioracket is kicking of new episodes every two weeks now with our always ongoing blogs and an anthology that I hope you will all participate in the future if you are not in this volume Titled Podioracket Presents Visionaries.


The Sea Monster Piece for HA is coming along. And I am working on When Ethers Descend.


Welcome to my world!


Guest Blog Post from Netera Landar

Thursday, January 14th, 2010

Hi everyone,

Rhonda is nice enough to allow me to network with you. For one, I want to announce that she’s going to be my guest on a Second Life author/artist chat. I’ve booked her for Thursday, Feb. 4, 2010. I’m very excited to learn about her writing, as I’m sure all of you are. For those of you unfamiliar with Second Life, it’s a 3D virtual/voice social network unlike anything you’ve ever seen. 80,000 people from around the world are already inworld. After establishing a free account on, creating an avatar, you teleport to sims you desire to explore. I’ve created a coffee shop (on a sim called Terric), an Asian tea house (on Starrs), both of which I’m currently booking weekly chats for. Now, the conference center is something different. Authors, publishers, pr reps, will be able to rent monthly a workstation to have a virtual office area. I can provide a lot of realistic add ons. The top floor will be rented per session for virtual book signings, lectures, etc. It will all be affordable. My goal, mainly, is for it to be a functional building where authors can come together. It really is a work of art. I invite you to join me. I even play receptionist. You can contact me for more info at, or inworld by adding me as a friend: Netera Landar.


Denise Fleischer

author of The Guardian, Altar of Freedom, coming soon Deadly Reservations (ArcheBooks)

owner of

lifestyle editor of the Journal & Topics Newspapers

Enter now to win the cover art!

Saturday, December 26th, 2009

Well Peeps this is the last week to win the original artwork that graces the cover of The Mark of a Druid. Check out the details at It is easy to win but you don’t have much time left

Sharing an Interview Alex White and J.C. Hutchins

Monday, November 23rd, 2009

I am so pleased to share this insightful interview with you all. If you haven’t heard this have a listen truly a good discussion with J.C. Hutchins the Author of 7th Son now available from St Martins Press, Griffin and Personal Effects: Dark Arts one of the most spine chilling horror I have read. Consider this a recommendation for both of these books.

Alex White the author of The Gear Heart has started releasing some very powerful interviews and tips for podcasting and writing that I thought I would share with you all. Take some time andgo through his site and check out his book.

“It was my honor and privilege to step into the studio with the incomparable J.C. Hutchins    , author of the 7th Son trilogy and Personal Effects: Dark Arts. As a thriller novelist, Hutchins understands conflict better than most, and he is eager to share his knowledge. So sit down, pour a cup of tea and enjoy, as we bring you the secrets behind conflict?”

Thanks for sharing Alex and J.C.

The Greabox Episode 1

Give the Gift of Lit!

Sunday, November 15th, 2009

This Holiday season A.P Stephens the author of
came to authors and said join me in spreading the word about literacy for the holidays. Here is what his blog says and her are a few of the authors that jumped on board.
“It is with great pleasure I bring forth and introduce you to The Gift of Lit, a collective effort by many of the fine authors from Podiobooks. Together, we would like to share with you our diverse works and invite you to take a look at the nice selection of books we have spent hours, days, months, or years writing.
The Gift of Lit: Holiday 2009 is now here. If you are looking for a great gift this holiday season, rather it be for a family member, friend…or for yourself, take a look at the list below and give one, some, or all of these books your consideration. There are books to suit your needs this holiday season. Here, you will find fantasy, sci-fi, crime drama, speculative fiction, techno thriller, and much more. Help support these authors and spread the joys of literature. Give spark to imagination.
Below, take a look at all of the different titles offered and follow the links to purchase your own copy for yourself or to give that special someone this holiday. Yet, no matter the time of year, The Gift of Lit will be sure to please all readers.”

And from Lulu

Drew Betty’s Lost Gods

(starts at $15.50 new)

Kweku Anansi is just another member of the African diaspora, trying to
make a place for himself in his adopted home of Toronto, Canada. He
dreams of better days, of a time when he could stop running small time
cons just to make the rent. He dreams of the life he used to live,
centuries ago when he was revered as a god.

A chance encounter with a fellow con man with a dark and secretive
past of his own, plunges them both into the dark world of the lost
gods, gods who would do anything to be worshipped again. Including
destroying the world, if necessary.

How far will Anansi go to reclaim his godhood? What will he give up to
have true power again?


Buy it here at >> Lulu << (starts as low as $35.99)

This three in one omnibus edition collects all three novels in the “Vatican Assassin” Trilogy under one cover. “Vatican Assassin”, “Vatican Ambassador” and “Vatican Abdicator” are joined in this volume by an extensive appendix of previously unreleased background material. There are some early concept sketches by Mike Luoma, as well as “The History of The Future”: a timeline developed to extrapolate from today into the future setting for the story; “The Original Story Outline”; “The Story of The Project”; “The Alien Timeline” and more.

Do You Have a Second Life

Sunday, October 18th, 2009

You heard me right. Lone Wolf rented a space for me on Second Life. It has been a grand experience watching it build into something. The bottom floor is all about The Trilogy and the upper floor is all about Free Audio Bookshelf. We are located at 25 Gutenberg Alley at the corner of Lovejoy Square on Book Island. Just down the street from Quills. Come and join us in SL.

Upstairs Free Audio Bookshelf will be providing a library environment where you can go her hear in a play and later live the readings of The Mark of a Druid and coming soon The Fox. Later Arlene Radasky and myself will be bringing you many other books. If you stop by and we are not there feel free to click on things and get free samples find out about SL contests and connect to other events.

There are only 3 more days left to vote for your favorite Wicked Woman Writer in the Horror Addicts WWW Challenge.

To listen simply click on the link for each story listed below or go to On the website Episode #31 is followed by each of the four stories:
#1 Tired by Arlene Radasky
#2 Organic Tomatoes by Michele Roger
#3 Enough is Enough by Rhonda R Carpenter
#4 Graveyard Shift (and Re-Shift) by H.E. Roulo

To vote, listen to each of the four stories then send an email to Emerian Rich ( with WWW in the subject line. Include 1) The name, number, or author of the story you want to vote for 2) Your name or handle 3) Your mailing address (only used if you should win).

Contest Rule Good Luck

Monday, October 12th, 2009

This week Contest Number 11 for The Mark of a Druid 2009 Contest Series Closed and there are 2 winners!

Congratulations to Iona_Da-Mystic and Cassiopia look for your email  later today so we can snail mail your prize! Thank you all for singing up for the new site. I appreciate you all sticking with me during the site growing pains. And meny thanks for the nice comments on the new site.

Contests number 12 is Live and it is all about AWE

What is AWE? It is the Autumn Writers Event held annually on Cookie Island. This is a place in Second Life where you can find new authors and established authors from all over the Real World or First Life.
I even set up a booth along with Heather Roulo, Arlene Radasky, Emerian Rich and many many others. Come check it out and win a real book. 

Join me on SL at this event before it ends on Nov 1, 2009 then come by the new store front located in SL at 25 Guttenberg Alley on Book Island currently under construction. We are planning some really exciting stuff there including book readings from  If you leave me a note card in SL Or add me to your friends list I will put your name in a hat for a Print version of the book unless you prefer e-book formats it is the winners choice. The drawing for the winner will be held on Nov 30th Live in SL at the new store front.

Wicked Women Writers Rock!

Also, if you haven’t done it yet, listen to Sometimes Enough is Enough and all the WWW tails and then VOTE. Win that huge box of schwag from the and The Wicked Woman Writer’s of  My story is extremely disturbing  and should not be played at work or in front of your children. If you listen to Horror Addicts Episode 31 you will get some behind the scenes info from me about the story. Tons of thanks go out to Jack Hosley of for playing the part of Ken and running the mix for me. Send your vote to in the subject line enter Wicked Women Writers Challenge then in the body of the email be sure you give your address so Emerian Rich can ship that big ol’ box of cool prizes. Including but not limited to Singed books (several of them) a mouse pad, cd’s, tee-shirts and so much more. It could all be yours. When this contest closes I will put this story out on my feed.

New Office

Sunday, October 4th, 2009

If  you all follow me on Twitter then you know this weekend we moved my office back to where it was before my middle son moved home after serving in Iraq. For the last year I have been in the formal dinning room, with I must say a killer view of the trees but no doors and zero privacy. Now that he has his own place again I got my office back.

Wherever you move a creative space it is never easy to get set back up again. I thought it would take a lot longer than it did. So here is its.

The Work Space

The Rest Space

Take a nap? Hang out with a book and a blanket or play with the kitties as they hang out on their condo.

Coffee Bar

Nothing happens in my life without coffee and tea. Kena ground for a flat!

The New View

Still a great view and less glass for recording. I hope the recording doesn’t change a lot but I will work it out I am sure.

Above the Desk

A place for my stuff. I am going to miss the cover art when I award it dec 31 this year to a luck contest winner. What will I put in that space then? Can anyone tell me why I have frames magnifying glasses? Comment your answer here and the person that gets it right wins a signed poster.

Now Back to Work

Yes, it is all done and set up I am ready to crank out the next book.

Wicked Women Writers Competition

Sunday, September 27th, 2009

When a group of powerful women get together this is nothing they can’t do. And this is a Powerful group of Dark Goddesses!

Arlene Radasky, H.E. Roulo, Rhonda R Carpenter and Michele Roger have all done away with husbands for your entertainment. On October 7th at 7:30 pm pst we will be gathered in Second Life on Book Island in the Horror Addicts Shop, Quills at 22 Gutenberg Avenue. The episode airs on Horroraddicts the 11th.

Now I am not a huge Second Life fan but for this interview I have been playing in SL. I have learned to walk, talk and even got myself dressed and my hair stays on. I am inviting you to try something new. Come to SL and hang out with us. Hear our stories and vote for you favorite. You could win a huge box of cool stuff and show your favorite author that she has you support.

While I do hope that author will be me, but I will be happy for whoever gets the most votes. So, what do I look like in SL? Hot isn’t she! Her name is Insight Zadark. 

What will you look like in your second life? My husband is a black wolf who walks next to me. He also growls at people if they get to close. It is a total riot. He even does tricks.

I hope you will all take a chance and join us for the interview and vote for your favorite author. My story is titled Sometimes Enough is Enough and I owe a big thank you to Jack Hosley of for his portrayal of the male character in this psychological horror piece of flash fiction. He did an awesome job and said the story freaked him out for days after.

This is a graphic piece of fiction and not for children or work. I will share it on my feed after it airs on Horror Addicts.