Archive for February, 2009

Wonderful! The Mark of a Druid Made #17

Sunday, February 22nd, 2009

Photo by Henry Diltz

Welcome Readers!

Mathew Wayne Selznick, the author of Brave Men Run, has been tracking authors for the last couple of months. If you would like to read his blog post check his site at I enjoy Mathew’s perspective on social networking and dig that he is so inventive, not only as a writer but as a podcaster, musician and DIY media guru. I actually attended a house concert he held on a short few weeks ago! It was so much fun.

The book made the number 17 slot for the Top 20 Podiobooks on And my dear friend Arlene Radasky author of The Fox Made the 19 slot! Among the other top podiobook authors I feel sure the only reason we made the list is because of the timing of the study, but I don’t care it is really cool to see my name right up there with the big folks of podcasting. Like Scott Sigler, Mur Lafferty, Jalal al-Din Rumi, Matthew Wayne Selznick, Bill DeSmedt, Tee Morris, Philippa Ballantine, Seth Harwood, Leslie Ann Moore, Mark Jeffrey, Joe Cottonwood. Congratulations to everyone who made this top twenty list.

This week will be the last posting of The Mark of Druid podcast so look for it to hit late in the week. The audio book is out there in full so please go listen and leave a comment and rate the book where ever you listen.

This blog is changing scheduled and will now come out every other week. So write to you all in two weeks!

Remember to enter The Mark of a Druid 2009 Contest in the 2009 Contest Series at. This Contest winners will be announced On March 5, 2009 the weekly blog on the book site blog to enter and win the next round! The new website should be up in the next 4 weeks! It is all about Twitter follow me at @rhondacarpenter. And a huge thank you to Trucker Rich for his fabulous interview! See it at His Blog!

Keep Writing, I know I will!

Rhonda R. Carpenter

Stick this on your to-do-list 02-17-09 Join me live on Blogtalk!

Monday, February 16th, 2009

Have you always been interested in doing what I do? Do you think you have what it takes? Tomorrow 2-17-09 at Behind The Mike airs LIVE each week on Tuesday at 9:00 PM EST 6:00 PM PST on !

This looks to be a fun and exciting interview. Joel from Behind the Mike has been looking forward to this for over a few months. I am looking forward to questions about the book and about my business. Come join us. Call in and talk to Joel and I personally. I believe I will be doing readings too.

Join us on Blogtalk Radio!

Hear you there!


The Mark of a Druid is Now Whole and Free!

Sunday, February 15th, 2009

Photo by Henry Diltz

Welcome Readers!

This week I uploaded the last chapter (episode 33) in Book One of The Mark of a Druid Series!

Next week will be the final upload for this podcast. I will be producing this week the first chapter for When Ethers Descend. This is the next book in the series. And while it is not yet wholly written, I wanted you all to get a taste for book two.

What is next for The Mark of a Druid?

A larger presence as a PDF and other formats is in order! I hope to even catch up with Arlene Radasky’s The Fox, and make it to iphone and digital formats.

I also ask for listener help last week on I meant it and wanted to say thank you to all of the listeners that commented both live and in email form. Thank you! I have taken your comments seriously and have reproduced episode 1 and 2 this week. They are now live. I hope they are better. I will be reproducing episode 3 this week and I hope I will be able to maintain the schedule this week and have it live on Sunday afternoon. But either way I want to you know your comments are greatly appreciated and I am doing something about the stilted speaking patterned you all noticed in the first 3 episodes along with Quality. These were the episodes I recorded in my old office so unless there is something else you guys notice these will be the only ones I redo. This pod cast novel has been a huge learning experience for me and I am thrilled that it is getting such great reviews again keep them coming. And if you know someone who prefers to read the book is available at Amazon!

Now for the what’s next? Section a new colleague and I are working on a podcasting idea and when it is firmed up I’ll be share it. Until then, know I am writing every day! YES! It feels great!This Week’s Recommendation: I suggest you go nab Fractured Horizon By H.E. Roulo. She is a wonderful author and her book is now complete and free for you to enjoy. It is a hot story that has a logical and fun plot line. Technology and cloning a race of superior warriors called the Adams vs. the Royals who have some very interesting capabilities themselves. And Kay her main character, is someone I have had a blast flowing through time with. Don’t miss this one go to and get all the episodes now. You won’t be disappointed, I loved it and am now looking forward to listening again straight through!

Visit her blog at Fractured Horizon Novel’s official site!  

Click here to hear the Promo Now!

Remember to enter The Mark of a Druid 2009 Contest in the 2009 Contest Series at week’s winners will be announced in just a few hours in the weekly blog on the book site. The new contest #4 will also be announced and will end on 3/01/2009 enter and win the next round!

Keep Writing, I know I will!

Rhonda R. Carpenter

If at any time you need to contact me please send and email to!

The Mark of a Druid Complete and Free!

Sunday, February 8th, 2009

Photo by Henry Diltz

Welcome Readers!

That is right! The entire audio book is complete and ready for upload over the next week or so it will all be out there and available for free on

As this phase of production comes to a close and I move forward with the other books I am writing I am looking for ways to continue spreading the word about the Mark of a Druid and its availability. In that realm I am continuing to schedule interviews to talk about the series. My next interview is with Behind the Mike hosted with Joel Michalec.  This should be a fun interview and I am very excited about please join us on Feb 17 6:30 pm PST on his blog talk radio show

I am asking for comments and receiving them which is really cool. Especially since the book is not completely out there yet. Thank you Itunes, podiobooks and Amazon fans. In an effort to honor the you I will be releasing a sample of When Ethers Descend. So all you listeners out there stick around to hear the teaser chapter of the sequel.

The Mark of a Druid 2009 Contest #3 in the 2009 Contest Series at . This contest will end on February 15th

This weeks recommendation. Do you like to laugh? Love a silly story about real life? Then Check out  This show has been very entertaining and I have laughed out loud.

Keep Writing, I know I will!

Rhonda R. Carpenter