Archive for February 8th, 2009

The Mark of a Druid Complete and Free!

Sunday, February 8th, 2009

Photo by Henry Diltz

Welcome Readers!

That is right! The entire audio book is complete and ready for upload over the next week or so it will all be out there and available for free on

As this phase of production comes to a close and I move forward with the other books I am writing I am looking for ways to continue spreading the word about the Mark of a Druid and its availability. In that realm I am continuing to schedule interviews to talk about the series. My next interview is with Behind the Mike hosted with Joel Michalec.  This should be a fun interview and I am very excited about please join us on Feb 17 6:30 pm PST on his blog talk radio show

I am asking for comments and receiving them which is really cool. Especially since the book is not completely out there yet. Thank you Itunes, podiobooks and Amazon fans. In an effort to honor the you I will be releasing a sample of When Ethers Descend. So all you listeners out there stick around to hear the teaser chapter of the sequel.

The Mark of a Druid 2009 Contest #3 in the 2009 Contest Series at . This contest will end on February 15th

This weeks recommendation. Do you like to laugh? Love a silly story about real life? Then Check out  This show has been very entertaining and I have laughed out loud.

Keep Writing, I know I will!

Rhonda R. Carpenter