Archive for April, 2009

The Mark of a Druid Hits 50,000 Downloads!

Sunday, April 26th, 2009

Welcome Readers,

I was shocked when I looked at the stats this week. Pleasantly shocked! Overall downloads had hit 50,000. I never thought when I put the book out in this manner that I would ever have so many downloads. Thank You, to all the Readers for downloading, commenting and Rating and Reviewing. Please keep telling your friends and spreading the word.

This has been a super busy week with Have you heard that one of the characters from my book was nominated for the position of Champion for Podioracket against the Nina Kimberley and her barbarian horde?

What is this all about?

Christiana Ellis the Author of Nina Kimberley the Merciless  is about to go to print with Dragon Moon Press and her character, Nina Kimberly the Merciless has decided that all in the pod-o-sphere shall surrender to her. Podioracket among others are now in the resistance and is seeking a champion. Vote for King Brian Boru! Take the survey and declare your loyalty!

Website update! The new site is growing like crazy. Thank you to all the new members and I will be announcing the winners of the sing up contest # 7 very soon.

When Ethers Descend: the second book of The Mark of a Druid series is coming along.

Got Insight Blog over at Will be posting a new free session. It is It is completely free for download. Gain Self Esteem, Increase Focus and receive the gift of answers from your infinite wisdom!

Until next time, take care!

Keep Writing, I Know I Will!

Rhonda R. Carpenter

BlogTalkRadio~Podioracket~Horroraddicts~a new short!

Sunday, April 19th, 2009

Oh it is me!

Oh it is me!


Blog Talk Radio~Podioracket~Horroraddicts~a new short~and more! OMG!


There is so much happening with me that it is hard to get it all in. The new book, When Ethers Descend, is coming along. You can subscribe here listen and comment. The first is Michele Rogers interview on Dark Matters and then there is an extra 10 minutes of why we went blog talk too. A Big Thank You to Dr. Sally Witt for helped me get it all going. I really believe and I think Heather agrees that this is a mostly untapped audience for We are very excited! You can find out more on April 20, 2009 when Heather and I will be on blogtalkradio, Monday noon Pacific three Eastern time, talking about Podioracket. We would love to have some callers from Podiobooks. It is a good way to spread the word about your book on the air with a proven audience. Come and call into the show and talk to us!


After the show with Sally, Podioracket will be releasing the second episode for BlogTalkRadio at 8:30 pm PST. In this episode we interview authors Philippa Ballantine and Patrick McLean. We have new contest announcements, a tip from Emerian Rich, and the news.


At this week I am uploading the completed version of Sometimes Enough is Enough, a scary, but realistic short that was done for the coming season 3 of Look for the audio to be featured at the end of season 3 and there is a contest associated with it and it will be posted here when the contest kickes off. The Wicked Women Writes strike again.


The Mark of a Druid hit 50,000 downloads this week on Itunes! Wooowhoooo! And I want to say a big thank you to all of the people who have left such nice and helpful comments there and at or blogged about the book. You are the people that make it all the hard work worth it. Thank you!


The new site for the book is coming along. Go sing up and enter the contest, leave a question or comment for a character. More characters are coming this week.



Heather and I are so pleased that we have been invited to be one of the voices for We will be starting a feed there by invitation of Evo Terra. No tips in these it is just for the listener! But you can always get the tips on the regular feed at and soon on the Tips page. We are currently looking for a player so we can give the tips alone to the and other authors out there. So in the next few weeks we will make this happen!


Now off to write the Got Insight Blog for this week will be about reaching out to others.


Keep writing I know I will!

Rhonda R Carpenter

What is happening now? Can you keep up?

Thursday, April 9th, 2009

Welcome Readers!

I have been swamped with editing for Episode 3 just went live and there was a great interview with Michael McGee author of The Theater of the Midnight Sun! Love his sense of humor and I had a wonderful time interviewing him. There is also an article on Public Domain from David Grizzly Smith and a tip from E.G. Talbot author of New World Orders and Intercast Season One. The podcast has been approved by Itunes and you can subscribe there or rss it on the site. We want your feedback so please leave a review, comment rate the show and tell your friends.

Hey all you authors out there we need to unit against Nina Kimberly the Merciless. Talk to your characters. We need a champion for our opposing force unless that is you plan on surrendering your fans and freedom on the Internet to the adolescent barbarian horde and allow to pledge your feelty to Nina Kimberly. We at PodioRacket are preparing to meet with her Scribe Christiana Ellis and will be updating you on the pending invasion. Join the cause @podioracket on Twitter. Or send us a confidential communication at

I have also been working on the new book website It is coming along and while it is not all up yet it is growing daily. I invite you all to go over and register for the new site. There will be a new contest announced on the 13th.

If that is not enough to keep me busy I am preparing for the next season Wicked Women Writers contest. More on that later as it goes live in Season 3!

Now off to work on the site for a while thanks for keeping up!

Rhonda R Carpenter

What is New with Rhonda Carpenter

Sunday, April 5th, 2009

What is New with Rhonda Carpenter


Update on what has been happing in the world of Rhonda Carpenter the writer. Things have been rolling along at a very fast clip. The new site for The Mark of a Druid is live and while it is not complete I thought it was better to take it live now then make everyone wait. So you will all get to see it grow as I get to filling in all the blanks and building the pages. Register now so you can play in the contests and talk to the characters as it all goes live.


This will be a slow process with all of the things I am involved in, but stick with me this proves to be a fun. The site will be growing every week from here on out and as the next book is completed it too will be housed here as a podcast and in other formats.


Summer 2009 I am dedicated to getting The Mark of a Druid available in other media formats such as PDF, E-book (on this site), I-Touch. I will be making announcements as these formats become available.   

I am also dedicated to writing the next book, When Ethers Descend, and begin Podcasting the book this winter.


My new project I have joined forces with Heather Roulo the author of, Fractured Horizon, available on Podioracket is an informational podcast for We are giving upcoming, new and present authors a quick hitting format to find out what it is coming out, completing, works. We are also covering the contests and news about those authors. We invite you to enjoy the 2 episodes that are currently available.


While doing this project I am getting to have wonderful and informative interviews with authors who are on While PodioRacket is a fast hitting show some of these interviews run longer than we can use in the podcast. These are fascinating discussions with Authors. Here is one of the longer full interviews I had with author of, The Fox, Arlene Radasky. A portion of this interview will also be in an upcoming show on podioracket.


Have a great week everyone!

Rhonda R Carpenter