Archive for April 5th, 2009

What is New with Rhonda Carpenter

Sunday, April 5th, 2009

What is New with Rhonda Carpenter


Update on what has been happing in the world of Rhonda Carpenter the writer. Things have been rolling along at a very fast clip. The new site for The Mark of a Druid is live and while it is not complete I thought it was better to take it live now then make everyone wait. So you will all get to see it grow as I get to filling in all the blanks and building the pages. Register now so you can play in the contests and talk to the characters as it all goes live.


This will be a slow process with all of the things I am involved in, but stick with me this proves to be a fun. The site will be growing every week from here on out and as the next book is completed it too will be housed here as a podcast and in other formats.


Summer 2009 I am dedicated to getting The Mark of a Druid available in other media formats such as PDF, E-book (on this site), I-Touch. I will be making announcements as these formats become available.   

I am also dedicated to writing the next book, When Ethers Descend, and begin Podcasting the book this winter.


My new project I have joined forces with Heather Roulo the author of, Fractured Horizon, available on Podioracket is an informational podcast for We are giving upcoming, new and present authors a quick hitting format to find out what it is coming out, completing, works. We are also covering the contests and news about those authors. We invite you to enjoy the 2 episodes that are currently available.


While doing this project I am getting to have wonderful and informative interviews with authors who are on While PodioRacket is a fast hitting show some of these interviews run longer than we can use in the podcast. These are fascinating discussions with Authors. Here is one of the longer full interviews I had with author of, The Fox, Arlene Radasky. A portion of this interview will also be in an upcoming show on podioracket.


Have a great week everyone!

Rhonda R Carpenter