Archive for April 9th, 2009

What is happening now? Can you keep up?

Thursday, April 9th, 2009

Welcome Readers!

I have been swamped with editing for Episode 3 just went live and there was a great interview with Michael McGee author of The Theater of the Midnight Sun! Love his sense of humor and I had a wonderful time interviewing him. There is also an article on Public Domain from David Grizzly Smith and a tip from E.G. Talbot author of New World Orders and Intercast Season One. The podcast has been approved by Itunes and you can subscribe there or rss it on the site. We want your feedback so please leave a review, comment rate the show and tell your friends.

Hey all you authors out there we need to unit against Nina Kimberly the Merciless. Talk to your characters. We need a champion for our opposing force unless that is you plan on surrendering your fans and freedom on the Internet to the adolescent barbarian horde and allow to pledge your feelty to Nina Kimberly. We at PodioRacket are preparing to meet with her Scribe Christiana Ellis and will be updating you on the pending invasion. Join the cause @podioracket on Twitter. Or send us a confidential communication at

I have also been working on the new book website It is coming along and while it is not all up yet it is growing daily. I invite you all to go over and register for the new site. There will be a new contest announced on the 13th.

If that is not enough to keep me busy I am preparing for the next season Wicked Women Writers contest. More on that later as it goes live in Season 3!

Now off to work on the site for a while thanks for keeping up!

Rhonda R Carpenter