Archive for May, 2009

Blog Talk Radio Interview about Podioracket!

Sunday, May 31st, 2009

Contest 8 has a winner!
Photo by Henry Diltz

Welcome Readers!

Contest #8 closed last night at 12:01 Am PST!

The Winner is Cyndi30107! Your Prize will be shipped on June 1, 2009. Congrats you will be receiving a singed copy of The Mark of a Druid!

I so enjoyed answering the questions for the Meet the Characters Contest and we will be doing this one again in the next few months. As always if you want to ask a question of the characters please just go the meet the characters section of and click on any character and ask your question. The next time we run a meet the characters contest you will be automatically entered to win if you shoot me an email and tell me that you asked a question. Send those emails to

I am so thankful for my listener-ship I truly want to give back and have been tossing around some ideas for extra Mark of a Druid material that I can proved while you are so patiently waiting for the next book, When Eithers Descend. If you have ideas about what would hold you over and keep you interested just let me know and I will see what I can do. Email me at

The next contest will be announced in just a little while and it is all about ratings! I hope you will join in the fun and enter this contest!


Heather Roulo and I will be interviewed tonight on Behind the Mike with Joel M  Go there now or listen in archive!

Keep Writing! I Know I Will!

Rhonda R. Carpenter

The Mark of a Druid Meet the Characters contest about to end!

Sunday, May 24th, 2009

Welcome Readers,

We already have one winner in the Meet the Characters Contest #8 and there is still a week to go. On May 31, this contest will end and on June 1, 2009 the Winners will be announced.

The section Meet the Characters will still be under development. Don’t be surprised even after the contest ends if your name is selected for a bonus prize because you talked to the characters. This will be a random

I have received several new reviews and comments on the book. So I would like to thank those on Itunes because there is no way to reply to them.

Thank you for Reviewing and rating The Mark of a Druid! It means the world to me

Tracey Tay, Cassiopia, Jedanatc, Finisp, Artnerd, Obedientfollower, DannyCat, PollyP, Geoggrrr…4, Jacksongril1998, Suuu. You all rock! Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a review and rate the book. Please feel free to post the review on Amazon too and help spread the word.

Coming soon will be a new trailer for the book. I am currently knocking out about 1000 word ever two days on the sequel, When Either Descend. At the same time I am working on, Truth Slithers.

The next contest will start on June 1, 2009.

Huge thank you to all the new subscribers to the new book site. If you haven’t subscribed it is really easy and quick. I hope you will join now. Until next time, take care.

Keep Writing, I Know I Will!

Rhonda R. Carpenter

So Much Going on Join Me in the Fun

Sunday, May 17th, 2009

Welcome Readers and Fans.


This week like many of the recent weeks has been really busy. Podioracket is taking off and we are releasing an episode a week in May on top of last weeks mini episode for Nina Kimberley the Merciless by Christiana Ellis I have been swamped. But having a lot of fun helping Christiana with her push to sell her novel at its release. This unfortuanaily has run into a snag. So please keep checking back get it as soon as you can and until then it is also available as a FREE, COMPLETE pdf version, which you can download here: Nina Kimberly the Merciless PDF. Tell a Freind! Oh heck, Tell two friends.

Get your news up dates at!





This week is also busy. Join me for a special show about 2.0 up coming changes fetureing Chris Miller the guy behind the sceens at


Then Emerian Rich the author of Night’s Knights and  Sweet Dreams, Mistress of the dark and founder of  is going to join me to close the show. She is a fascinating author and is about to publish Night’s Knight in print. The show will start at 8:00 pm PST May 18, 2009. Call-in Number: (347) 996-3319 call in and ask Emerian questions about her work.


 Wednesday we release a new episode in which I interview Mark Eller author of Traitor, Book 1 of The Turner Chronicles and James D. Priest author of the Family friendly release on of Kirins The Spell of No’an. Make sure to get the new release at


The rest of the week I will be getting some word on pages for When Eithers Descend and booking some more interviews for both podioracket and blogtalk episodes.


Remember that there are a couple of weeks left in the May contest on  Go on over and Meet the Characters and click participate on contest number 8.



Talk next week!

Rhonda R Carpenter

New Blogtalkradio Show Coming at You!

Monday, May 11th, 2009

PodioRacket’s next Blog Talk Radio Show will air Thursday May 14th 2:30 pm PST. Two great interviews David Hitt and Mike Luoma, contest, news and a tip on networking from David Lee Summers with a special guest helping us wrap up the show; Jack Hosley the master mind behind Wander Radio 109.9 Almost on your Radio Dial will join us live to talk about podcasting and well, anything else that comes up. His show always makes me laugh and I am truly thrilled he agreed to come on the show. So tune in and join us on Blog Talk Radio this Thursday.  

I was also the guest on Behind the Mike Last week follow the link to hear almost an hour with Joel and Sharron on past life regression. Interesting stuff!

More Next Week! 
