New Blogtalkradio Show Coming at You!
Monday, May 11th, 2009PodioRacket’s next Blog Talk Radio Show will air Thursday May 14th 2:30 pm PST. Two great interviews David Hitt and Mike Luoma, contest, news and a tip on networking from David Lee Summers with a special guest helping us wrap up the show; Jack Hosley the master mind behind Wander Radio 109.9 Almost on your Radio Dial will join us live to talk about podcasting and well, anything else that comes up. His show always makes me laugh and I am truly thrilled he agreed to come on the show. So tune in and join us on Blog Talk Radio this Thursday.
I was also the guest on Behind the Mike Last week follow the link to hear almost an hour with Joel and Sharron on past life regression. Interesting stuff!
More Next Week!