Archive for May 31st, 2009

Blog Talk Radio Interview about Podioracket!

Sunday, May 31st, 2009

Contest 8 has a winner!
Photo by Henry Diltz

Welcome Readers!

Contest #8 closed last night at 12:01 Am PST!

The Winner is Cyndi30107! Your Prize will be shipped on June 1, 2009. Congrats you will be receiving a singed copy of The Mark of a Druid!

I so enjoyed answering the questions for the Meet the Characters Contest and we will be doing this one again in the next few months. As always if you want to ask a question of the characters please just go the meet the characters section of and click on any character and ask your question. The next time we run a meet the characters contest you will be automatically entered to win if you shoot me an email and tell me that you asked a question. Send those emails to

I am so thankful for my listener-ship I truly want to give back and have been tossing around some ideas for extra Mark of a Druid material that I can proved while you are so patiently waiting for the next book, When Eithers Descend. If you have ideas about what would hold you over and keep you interested just let me know and I will see what I can do. Email me at

The next contest will be announced in just a little while and it is all about ratings! I hope you will join in the fun and enter this contest!


Heather Roulo and I will be interviewed tonight on Behind the Mike with Joel M  Go there now or listen in archive!

Keep Writing! I Know I Will!

Rhonda R. Carpenter