Archive for June 6th, 2009

Interviews & Announcements Abound! You heard it here first.

Saturday, June 6th, 2009

Welcome Readers!

This is a revealing week for Podioracket, J.C. Hutchins, Cyrus A Webb, Stacey Cochran and for myself.

Monday we at kick off “Support J.C. Hutchins Week.”  Swing by Podioracket and join us in the fun and make some noise about the print release of Dark Art Personal Effects on June 9th, commit yourself to the Brink, subscribe to Personal Effects Sword of Blood and leave a message on the new voice recorder on the front page of the site and tell us how you supported J.C. Hutchins.

Tuesday 10:00 Am PST I’ll be interviewed on BRT-Author Autobahn and during this interview I’ll be announcing the new contest for The Mark of a Druid.  If you miss the interview check out the contest section of on Tuesday after noon. This one is going to be fun!

It is Dark Art Personal Effects release day. If you don’t want to wait go pre-order your copy now! 

Wednesday drops a new episode featuring J.C. Hutchins. This is a great interview. He is a totaly blast to talk to and makes me look like I never push my work. Fanny shaking lessons taken to heart J.C. Can you feel the earth moving?

Thursday is a double header for BTR-PR. We have two killer live interviews. First I will be interviewing Cyrus A Webb 2:30 pm PST. Find out all about his good works with literacy and his new creation The Write Stuff Reality TV Show that starts airing this month across the country.

Then at 6:00 PM PST J.C. Hutchins joins BRT Podioracket where we will be awarding two callers autographed copies of  Dark Art Personal Effects. The Call in number is  (347) 996-3319 ! Call in during the show and asked J.C.  a question and you could win his book.

Friday Podioracket has a guest blogger! Stacey Cochran the author of Claws will be talking marketing for his new print release. We are proud to bring a Claws sighting to Podioracket.

The Mark of a Druid has been nominated for a parsec award. I don’t expect to win one but it is so cool that people nominated the audio. I want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has rated, reviewed and commented on the first book in this series. I wish I could see the reviews in other countries on amazon and Itunes. If anyone has a fix for this I would love to hear it.

The next book is coming along not as quickly as I would like but I am working on When Eithers Descend steadily. There will soon be a horror short coming out on in the Wicked Woman Writers Contest when it hits I will let you all know so you can go vote. I am so excited for the new season of HA that I can’t wait for tomorrow.

Another one of my favorite podcasts had its first contest announcement. Have you ever wanted to learn another language? I have always wanted to speak Gaelic. So you can bet I enter the contest already. Get the details in the Celtic Myth Podshows Episode 27.

Well if this isn’t enough news tell me what else you would like to hear about.

Keep writing! I know I will!

Rhonda R Carpenter