Archive for June 13th, 2009

So What is Shaking in Rhonda Ville?

Saturday, June 13th, 2009

Welcome Readers,

This was one of the most exciting weeks! I started the week off with an interview on Author Autobahn on Blog talk. The interview with Kelly was great and I can’t wait to interview them about their new services for promoting authors on July 13. Podioracket declaring it J.C. Hutchins week and I have to say this guy is an unstoppable marketer. Just in case you didn’t hear all the hoopla, Dark Art Personal Effects hit the bookstores and Amazon and other on-line booksellers with resounding success. I personally can’t wait to receive my copy. There were two killer interviews with J.C. and he is so gracious!

Podioracket, that is Heather Roulo author of Fractured Horizon and I have added a Blog Talk Radio Show to our endeavor. I am still experimenting with the show times while not over doing it so that I can continue to write. Right now the calendar is booked out July 13th. I invite you to come and join us in chat and on the phone lines with all of our special guests. Last weeks show with J.C. Hutchins live we gave away two autographed copies of his book and there were 100 live listeners 56 in chat and 19 callers with 23 eligible questions and 16 people emailed for a prize. SnowMedic and Cobalt both won and I want to congratulate them. There have already been over 2000 archive listeners to the show! I am ecstatic! Now that is building a buzz.

I also release a video for and it is available at YouTube on their stream. A vlog went out on the Mark of a Druid Feed for the new contest and we released our first video trailer for the book. That makes contest #9! Can you kidnap the trailer? I hope so. As most of you know I am not a rich person so free advertising for my book has to be creative. If there is one thing I am it is enthusiastic about my fans. So I truly want to give back. This contest will have 3 winners each receiving a singed copy of the paperback, in a canvas promo bag full of The Mark of a Druid Promo items. So what are you waiting for go kidnap the promo and enter the contest! Details available here. At over 56,000 downloads and climbing every day I am thrilled with the success of The Mark of a Druid. I couldn’t do it without the Readers! This is completely your success as well as mine. I am humbled by all of the positive comments, ratings and reviews. Keep them coming! The more people who spread the word the more notice this novel will get and that is what I want. I want to spread the word far and wide.

I know allot of you have been emailing about the next book, When Ethers Descend, so here is an update: I have canned another chapter that makes 8 and am consistently moving forward. I believe I am on target for a winter podcast schedule but we will see how it goes.

This is another jam packed week coming up Monday at 2:30 pm PST I will be interviewing J.D. Sawyer Live on BTR-PR, ( Dan is the author of Predestination and other games of chance as well as being known as a hell of a guy in the pod-o-sphere. He has graciously agreed to do a live reading. You won’t want to miss this. Oh heck, I don’t want to miss it. His cover and links are over on the right side, it is the one with hot chick on the purple sheet. Smoken’ cover! There will be a new Podioracket episode released this week. Stacey Cochran and J.P. Moore with contests and news, new releases and completed works on I can’t talk this site up enough! I think it is brilliant and I am so looking forward to 2.0 to be rolled out.

Huge thank you to all the new subscribers to the new book site. If you haven’t subscribed it is really easy and quick. I hope you will join now. Until next time, take care.

Keep Writing, I Know I Will!

Rhonda R. Carpenter