Archive for June 21st, 2009

The Mark of a Druid Nominated or a Parsec Award

Sunday, June 21st, 2009

Welcome Readers,

I am very happy to announce “The Mark of a Druid” has been nominated for a Parsec Award for 2009 Best Speculative Fiction Story (Novel Form). The emails started going out on Thursday from I along with many of the authors, as well as podcasters have a big thank you to say to our fans.

The Parsec awards are fan nominated. So thank you for nominating The Mark of a Druid. And you like me maybe asking what happens now? Well, the way I understand it the nominees need to provide a submission to the committee. That mean I need to pick between 1 and 6 samples for the podcasted book. This submission can be no longer than 60 minutes including a new 30 second intro. The drop dead date on this submission is next Sunday.

From these submissions they will choose 5 nominees from each category. The competition is stiff in all of the categories. While I don’t expect to win I am truly honored to be nominated by the fans. From the five selected by the committee one will win. The awards will be announced on September at Dragon Con 2009. Best of luck to everyone.

Now how to choose what to submit? Since I have never done anything like this before I am clues as to how to choose an hour if sections under 6 to give the judges an idea of what the book is about. I mean really with 5 plot lines and 2 time frames in the book I am having a bit of a time picking sections to include in the submission.

Also Podioracket was nominated for an infotainment awards. But Heather and I don’t believe we meet the criteria since Podioracket is not yet 6 months old. So maybe next year but we totally appreciate the nomination.

Best of luck to all the nominees in this years Parsec Awards.

Kidnap the Trailer contest is under way. Grab the trailer today and put it on your face book, myspace, or blog. Tweet or Plurk the link and then let me know on the book website under contest number 9, in the contest section.

Matthew Wayne Selznick on BTR June 25

Mathew Wayne Selznick, one of the spearheads of the DIY podcasting world, will be joining the Podioracket Blog Talk Radio program on June 25 at 2:30 PM Pacific/5:30 PM Eastern. You will not want to miss this one. He is going to tell us all about Hazy Days and Cloudy Nights and what’s new for Brave Men Run.


Keep Writing, I Know I Will!

Rhonda R. Carpenter