Archive for July, 2009

Chris Moody’s Discovery Sneak Preview

Tuesday, July 28th, 2009

Chris Moody joined me for two BTR-PR shows today and I have to say he had a first. You can listen in the player above and hear a sneak preview of Qattusverse-Discovery before it goes live on On August 1st 2009!

I hope you enjoy the show.

Conversations Live Interview!

Thursday, July 23rd, 2009

If you missed the interview with Cyrus A. Webb on his Conversations Live Radio Show there is a player below. This a fast paced quick listen. Do you want to know more about me, Rhonda R. Carpenter and The Mark of a Druid? Here is what Cyrus Webb, creator of The Write Stuff Reality TV Show and Conversations Live Book Club, said after reading The Mark of a Druid.


Click here to here the show

Rhonda Carpenter & Brian Rathbone You Can Hear from Them Both!

Tuesday, July 21st, 2009

Thrusday kicks off with a live interview about The Mark of a Druid on Conversations live.

If you want to see the tables turned, tune in to Conversations Live, where  Rhonda R Carpenter will be interviewed by Cyrus Webb in a 30-minute LIVE show on Thursday, July 23rd at 5pm PST/8pm EST. Rhonda does a fantastic job on the regular Podioracket feed and the Podioracket Blog Talk Extension.  Let’s support Rhonda and help her shine as she talks about The Mark of a Druid! Bring your questions.

Brain Rathbone Goes 4 for 4!

Want to go 4 for 4? This is a awesome contest. Podioracket and Brian Rathbone join forces in this 4 Book Giveaway. It’s too easy to pass up.

Join Brian LIVE on Blog Talk Radio Podioracket Thursday, July 23, 2009 at 6:00 pm PST/9:00 pm EST. Set your reminder now:

There will be a reading from the author and Q&A about the fascinating World of Godsland and the exciting release of The Dawning of Power trilogy. While in chat, ask a question or, better yet, call in (347) 996-3319. That’s it! It’s so easy to help spread the word, have some fun, and join in the celebration. Do it now because the interview is the end of the contest!

While the paperback and ebook editions of The Dawning of Power trilogy are already available for sale on Amazon, this contest celebrates the release of Dragon Ore, which will complete the audio trilogy. There is still a little time and four ways to win one of four autographed copies of The Dawning of Power See the Rules at The Dawning of Power

The contest ends July 23 on Podioracket’s Blog Talk show. 
Good luck!

Seth Harwood live on BTR-PR

Sunday, July 19th, 2009

Seth Harwood LIVE on BRT-PR

Jack Wakes Up

I am so excited to be interviewing Seth Harwood! If you don’t know who he is then this is your chance to talk to him one-on-one live on air. Tuesday July 21, 2009 at 6 pm PST and 9 pm EST.
Seth has graciously agreed to award a signed copy of Jack Wakes Up on our BTR-PR show. What do you need to do to win that book? Be at the show as a call in guest 347-996-3319 or in the live chat and get to ask Seth a question in order to qualify for the drawing. You could win! Set a reminder.
There will be a reading of Jack Wakes up and here is a little taste of this pod-cast giant turned Published Author by Three Rivers Press/Random House. Lets see if he can convert you into a Palm’s Mama or Daddy. Listen to his new promo!

Hugely busy week coming our way. So this week there will be several blogs about what’s happenin’ in the Vortex of my world and check it, new photos showing of the Podioracket gear coming your way later this week too. So hang with me and see if you can keep up. Can’t wait to have you join us at The Seth Harwood interview.

Excellent Information on Promoting Authors

Friday, July 10th, 2009

On BTR-PR Author Autobahn

I have the distinct honor to present Kelly Wallace & Frankie Picasso creators of Author AutoBahn. After starting with Heather Roulo I searcher high and wide for how to promote The Mark of a Druid. I wish Author Autobahn had been around then.

If you are an Author like me who is promoting your own work on line and in the a grass roots effort to build a platform and have other buy and listen to your writing these gals are worth a listen.

We will meet live on air on the BTR-PR ( at Monday  7/13/2009 2:30 PM  here is a link so you can set a reminder. 

I hope you will come and join me in introducing writers to this resource. 

Bring your questions! The call in number is (347)996-3319!

What’s on My Desk?

Tuesday, July 7th, 2009

1. My book The Mark of a Druid in paperback. Yes, it is usually somewhere on the desk in one or more places. It reminds me that I can do it.

2. This is a candle tray full of spooky things from Emzbox and They remind me to be scary! Boo!

3. This is one 3 oil candles that sit on my desk all the time. I use them all the time.

4. Pencils, pens, and highlighters. Can’t have to many. I hate being without a writing utensil.

5. The Phone. My first link to the world. Don’t know if you can see it, but there is a headset. When it is not on the desk it is on me. I don’t leave the desk without the phone. Crazy I know.

6. Podioracket Coffee Cup and yes there is coffee in it.

7. Podioracket Mouse pad.

8. Couldn’t function without it. My PDA holds my numbers, calendar and vital information. If it is not in the PDA it does’t happen in my world. It is the only way I stay organized and that includes an alarm for the trash to go to the street.

9. Ah the intercom. You see I live in a huge house and the intercom saves the screaming across the house for well… anything from dinner is ready, to I am off the air, to you have a phone call.

10. This is the real life character from one of my upcoming books titled Truth Slithers.

11. My view. I live in a national forest and I could not write without the trees. The whole wall behind my desk is floor to ceiling windows in a bow shape. Yes, I have the money shot!

12. The speaker control for the system. I love this speaker system. It puts the controls at my finger tips and it is where my headphones plug in.

13. The O’Brien families crest. I used the symbols from his crest in The Mark of a Druid in the descriptions of Brian Boru. The things I didn’t number: paperclip holder, sticky notes, chap stick and my glasses. All three are things I use daily.

On the right of my main work area these things are in use everyday too. What you don’t see is the electric stapler.

14. Lazar printer

15. Digital camera station.

16. Headphones hanging on the swing arm lamp.

17. This series of books are as follows: Dark blue binder is operations info for the office and posting on all the different blogs and SMN I belong to, The Synonym Finder, Atlas of the Celtic World, Next to that a print out of Celtic Gods and Goddesses, The light blue binder is The Mark of a Druid, a clipboard with blank pages on it; I use it for interviews. I jot down questions and info I want to cover or lists of sites that need to be posted to for special events, Dictionary Flip (I so love this book), Then a folder of web work that is in progress.

18. My purse which is always on my desk and yes I only carry red purses. Don’t ask why I just like them.

19. My recording mic on its stand and the pop filter is really what you are seeing.

20. My multi purpose printer/fax/copier/color printer.

Behind this section of the desk you can see that the view continues. I have more than enough nick-knacks and pictures to keep my eyes busy and I tend to surround myself with things that make me happy and invoke a memory. You will also notice lots of crystals and rocks of all sorts in the window ledges. And you never know when there will be one of 5 cats on this desk.

Yes my desk is always this clean. The worst time if day for clutter is midday but I don’t go to bed without clearing the desk. It makes me feel accomplished. When I am ready to go to press with the next book, When Ethers Descend, there will be a cover mock up on the window above the desk.

Radasky’s The Fox Has a Trailer Too

Sunday, July 5th, 2009


Well Done!

We had a really good time creating this trailer for the author Arlene Radasky’s The Fox. Great thanks to Arlene for asking us to help. Gary and Ruth from delivered stellar performances in the voice over for this project.  Mark from is learning with every trailer how to make them better and more fine tuned to each authors needs and vision. Please grab the embedded code from this trailer and post it to your blog or link to it on Twitter or face book. Help spread the word and turn someone on to this Celtic novel.

Please Enjoy!

This is a huge week for my dear friend Arlene Radasky. First the trailer release and then a contest! Arlene is looking for book club questions. Email her a book club question and your name will go into the hat for a free autographed copy of The Fox. Contest ends August 1. No time to lose send in your book club question today.


Now for What is Happening with Me

This week I booked my first book signing for The Mark of a Druid. I will be appearing at McCabe & Company Bookstore in Crestline, Ca on August 29th from 12:00 to 2:00. There will be a prize awarded for those in attendance and a reading too. More details as the date approaches.

I also invite you to jump over to and hear the astounding and emotionally moving pretrial that the 21st century bards from so graciously did for my book in there latest special episode number 12-Midsummer 2009 You can hear the full episode (well worth the time to listen, I love their show) to go to their site and listen to this episode, it completely rocks. I will be posting just the section they did of my book at today. You are free to listen there as wellas in the player below.
I can not thank Gary and Ruthie enough and if you want to read my gushing thanks while you’re listening to how they brought my story to life, as I saw it when I was writing it pop over to the book site later today.

Contest Update

Have you kidnapped the trailer yet? The Mark of a Druid has released its first book trailer too. Put the link or embedded code on your site, Twitter it, Facebook it, Plurk it or come up with another way to promote The Mark of a Druid using the trailer and then go to Contest 9 and participate you will be registered to win a hug canvas bag full of goodies!

Writing is going better than I expected and I look forward to shooting you all glimpse of the new book in this series in the coming weeks.

Keep Writing, You Know I will!
Rhonda R Carpenter