Archive for July 5th, 2009

Radasky’s The Fox Has a Trailer Too

Sunday, July 5th, 2009


Well Done!

We had a really good time creating this trailer for the author Arlene Radasky’s The Fox. Great thanks to Arlene for asking us to help. Gary and Ruth from delivered stellar performances in the voice over for this project.  Mark from is learning with every trailer how to make them better and more fine tuned to each authors needs and vision. Please grab the embedded code from this trailer and post it to your blog or link to it on Twitter or face book. Help spread the word and turn someone on to this Celtic novel.

Please Enjoy!

This is a huge week for my dear friend Arlene Radasky. First the trailer release and then a contest! Arlene is looking for book club questions. Email her a book club question and your name will go into the hat for a free autographed copy of The Fox. Contest ends August 1. No time to lose send in your book club question today.


Now for What is Happening with Me

This week I booked my first book signing for The Mark of a Druid. I will be appearing at McCabe & Company Bookstore in Crestline, Ca on August 29th from 12:00 to 2:00. There will be a prize awarded for those in attendance and a reading too. More details as the date approaches.

I also invite you to jump over to and hear the astounding and emotionally moving pretrial that the 21st century bards from so graciously did for my book in there latest special episode number 12-Midsummer 2009 You can hear the full episode (well worth the time to listen, I love their show) to go to their site and listen to this episode, it completely rocks. I will be posting just the section they did of my book at today. You are free to listen there as wellas in the player below.
I can not thank Gary and Ruthie enough and if you want to read my gushing thanks while you’re listening to how they brought my story to life, as I saw it when I was writing it pop over to the book site later today.

Contest Update

Have you kidnapped the trailer yet? The Mark of a Druid has released its first book trailer too. Put the link or embedded code on your site, Twitter it, Facebook it, Plurk it or come up with another way to promote The Mark of a Druid using the trailer and then go to Contest 9 and participate you will be registered to win a hug canvas bag full of goodies!

Writing is going better than I expected and I look forward to shooting you all glimpse of the new book in this series in the coming weeks.

Keep Writing, You Know I will!
Rhonda R Carpenter