Archive for July 10th, 2009

Excellent Information on Promoting Authors

Friday, July 10th, 2009

On BTR-PR Author Autobahn

I have the distinct honor to present Kelly Wallace & Frankie Picasso creators of Author AutoBahn. After starting with Heather Roulo I searcher high and wide for how to promote The Mark of a Druid. I wish Author Autobahn had been around then.

If you are an Author like me who is promoting your own work on line and in the a grass roots effort to build a platform and have other buy and listen to your writing these gals are worth a listen.

We will meet live on air on the BTR-PR ( at Monday  7/13/2009 2:30 PM  here is a link so you can set a reminder. 

I hope you will come and join me in introducing writers to this resource. 

Bring your questions! The call in number is (347)996-3319!