This Week in Blog Talk Radio
Sunday, August 16th, 2009The Last month Blog Talk Radio Podioracket has been jumping off the hook and this week is no exception. If you haven’t listened to a show then what are you waiting for. We are having a blast and you don’t have to miss a thing. Listen live or in archive. Pick the authors you want to hear about and by all means, join in the contests. You could win some pretty cool schwag.
Monday night 6:00 Pm PST Mike Luoma:
Mike Luoma will be joining Rhonda for a Live Podioracket Blog Talk Radio Extension on Monday, August 17th at 6pm Pacific/9pm Eastern. In addition to a great interview, you’ll also get to hear clips of his music, discuss the re-mastered version of Vatican Assassin and talk about about his other words such as Synthetic Marmalade.
Here is a tease about the new release:
“BERNARD CAMPION’S friends call him “BC”. Not that he has a lot of friends. You don’t make a lot of friends when you’re an assassin. His mission: eliminate the governor of Luna Prime, Meredith McEntyre. His bosses, The Office of Papal Operations: The OPO, tell him she’s been sympathizing with the enemy, the Universal Islamic Nation (UIN). His boss? BC works for the Pope. It’s 2109, a time of war. BC is ‘officially’ assigned as PR man to the Vatican Mission on Luna Prime, the major city on The Moon, as his cover. Just a mild mannered, young, twenty-something priest working for the New catholic Church on public relations. But he’s really a weapon pointed at the UIN by the NcC and their Earth based allies, the Universal Trade Zone, the UTZ.”
Listen to Mike ‘Raise a Racket’! Set a reminder.
And stay tuned for this week’s other BTR show with J.D. Sawyer and his new contest announcement! Thursday, August 20th at 6pm Pacific/9pm Easter. Set a reminder.
Thursday 6:00 pn PST J. Daniel Sawyer

Meet J. Daniel Sawyer one of my favorite podcaster, writers, just plan great folks and author of Sculpting God and Predestination and Other Games of Chance. Won’t you join us live to talk with us and learn about his new release Down From Ten.
J. Daniel Sawyer is a science fiction author seeking to further destabilize the universe by building a cult in his own honor.
Although not as crazy as Philip K. Dick or as bloody-minded as Robert A. Heinlein, he does share certain delusional qualities with both, including a prominent middle initial and the fantasy that the universe would be a better place if reality conformed to the strange visions protected by his fragile skull.
Lest the fragility of his skull give you any ideas, be advised that he has a killer fedora hat and isn’t afraid to use it. He also saw one too many bond movies as a child. Sawyer, J.Daniel Sawyer.
If you haven’t heard yet. Arlene Radasky are giving our books away on Blog Talk Radio Authors read. Fridays 11:00 am PST. You can hear the ongoing episodic release of first The Mark of a Druid then The Fox. We give you all the up-to-date info on contest and events as well as a short Q&A section after the episode. We invite you to join us on Authors Read.
Contest 10 is now live on the book site. Review it up and win. Contest 10.
Arlene Radasky has a new contest too. Check it out!
Until next week! Keep writing I know I will!
Rhonda R Carpenter