Archive for August 30th, 2009

First Book Signing was Incredible

Sunday, August 30th, 2009

Totally a Success!


Yesterday was my first book signing and it was so much fun. When I got home after celebrating with Sushi and a fellow author, Arlene Radasky and the cover artist Amie Perry-Reavis and My husband, I got a message from Emerain Rich and she ask if she could interview me about the book signing. So instead of writing a blog about it I thought I would share a snippet from the interview that will air in full at a later date on Horror Addicts.

It was so cool to have the staff put the sticker on my book as the Staff Pick! They also talked about doing another signing and a book club event. Very exciting to be able to be involved at a community books store. Many thanks to McCabes & Company Booksellers of Crestline, CA.



Thank you to everyone to turned out and purchased the book, came to meet me and support me. You are the reason this author will do another event like this.My self, the cover artist and the banner out side of McCabes and Co Booksellers in Crestline in Southern California.


Amie Perry-Reavis is a dear friend and an wonderful artist. You can see more of her work and buy product with her signature artistic style on her website She has a fabulous series of greeting cards, reproductions and original works for sale and many forms.


Arlene Radasky the author of The Fox and my partner in BTR-Authors Read came out to show her support and I was so grateful to have her there, but what was really cool was the bookstore picked up some of her books and she sold one and I got to see her sign it.



I Can’t thank everyone enough especially McCabes for supporting this local author and asking for me to come back and do it again! Must of done something right.

Keep writing I know I will.