Archive for October, 2009

Do You Have a Second Life

Sunday, October 18th, 2009

You heard me right. Lone Wolf rented a space for me on Second Life. It has been a grand experience watching it build into something. The bottom floor is all about The Trilogy and the upper floor is all about Free Audio Bookshelf. We are located at 25 Gutenberg Alley at the corner of Lovejoy Square on Book Island. Just down the street from Quills. Come and join us in SL.

Upstairs Free Audio Bookshelf will be providing a library environment where you can go her hear in a play and later live the readings of The Mark of a Druid and coming soon The Fox. Later Arlene Radasky and myself will be bringing you many other books. If you stop by and we are not there feel free to click on things and get free samples find out about SL contests and connect to other events.

There are only 3 more days left to vote for your favorite Wicked Woman Writer in the Horror Addicts WWW Challenge.

To listen simply click on the link for each story listed below or go to On the website Episode #31 is followed by each of the four stories:
#1 Tired by Arlene Radasky
#2 Organic Tomatoes by Michele Roger
#3 Enough is Enough by Rhonda R Carpenter
#4 Graveyard Shift (and Re-Shift) by H.E. Roulo

To vote, listen to each of the four stories then send an email to Emerian Rich ( with WWW in the subject line. Include 1) The name, number, or author of the story you want to vote for 2) Your name or handle 3) Your mailing address (only used if you should win).

Contest Rule Good Luck

Monday, October 12th, 2009

This week Contest Number 11 for The Mark of a Druid 2009 Contest Series Closed and there are 2 winners!

Congratulations to Iona_Da-Mystic and Cassiopia look for your email  later today so we can snail mail your prize! Thank you all for singing up for the new site. I appreciate you all sticking with me during the site growing pains. And meny thanks for the nice comments on the new site.

Contests number 12 is Live and it is all about AWE

What is AWE? It is the Autumn Writers Event held annually on Cookie Island. This is a place in Second Life where you can find new authors and established authors from all over the Real World or First Life.
I even set up a booth along with Heather Roulo, Arlene Radasky, Emerian Rich and many many others. Come check it out and win a real book. 

Join me on SL at this event before it ends on Nov 1, 2009 then come by the new store front located in SL at 25 Guttenberg Alley on Book Island currently under construction. We are planning some really exciting stuff there including book readings from  If you leave me a note card in SL Or add me to your friends list I will put your name in a hat for a Print version of the book unless you prefer e-book formats it is the winners choice. The drawing for the winner will be held on Nov 30th Live in SL at the new store front.

Wicked Women Writers Rock!

Also, if you haven’t done it yet, listen to Sometimes Enough is Enough and all the WWW tails and then VOTE. Win that huge box of schwag from the and The Wicked Woman Writer’s of  My story is extremely disturbing  and should not be played at work or in front of your children. If you listen to Horror Addicts Episode 31 you will get some behind the scenes info from me about the story. Tons of thanks go out to Jack Hosley of for playing the part of Ken and running the mix for me. Send your vote to in the subject line enter Wicked Women Writers Challenge then in the body of the email be sure you give your address so Emerian Rich can ship that big ol’ box of cool prizes. Including but not limited to Singed books (several of them) a mouse pad, cd’s, tee-shirts and so much more. It could all be yours. When this contest closes I will put this story out on my feed.

New Office

Sunday, October 4th, 2009

If  you all follow me on Twitter then you know this weekend we moved my office back to where it was before my middle son moved home after serving in Iraq. For the last year I have been in the formal dinning room, with I must say a killer view of the trees but no doors and zero privacy. Now that he has his own place again I got my office back.

Wherever you move a creative space it is never easy to get set back up again. I thought it would take a lot longer than it did. So here is its.

The Work Space

The Rest Space

Take a nap? Hang out with a book and a blanket or play with the kitties as they hang out on their condo.

Coffee Bar

Nothing happens in my life without coffee and tea. Kena ground for a flat!

The New View

Still a great view and less glass for recording. I hope the recording doesn’t change a lot but I will work it out I am sure.

Above the Desk

A place for my stuff. I am going to miss the cover art when I award it dec 31 this year to a luck contest winner. What will I put in that space then? Can anyone tell me why I have frames magnifying glasses? Comment your answer here and the person that gets it right wins a signed poster.

Now Back to Work

Yes, it is all done and set up I am ready to crank out the next book.