Archive for January 25th, 2010

Whats Shaking?

Monday, January 25th, 2010

Yes, it is completely cold and we have more snow coming this week.


So the WWW knows tomorrow is the first day of weekly readings in SL of The Mark of a Druid. The readings will be live and be a pretty straight read with some sound effects for POV changes if I can get it set up in time. Readings will happen at 2:00 PM SLT which translates to 2:00 PM PST.


Then for the USA we will be doing a 5:00 PM SLT/PST play of the podcast. We don’t know how this schedule will go over or if I can get it set up correctly But I a excited about expanding my presents in SL.

I also have two interviews coming up in SL. They are as follows:

February 4th 5:00pm SLT/PST at Netera Landar Coffee Shop


Then on February 17th at 7:00 PM SLT/PST I am honored to be asked by The West Of Ireland Library Group to do an interview and reading from The Mark of a Druid. This group is a charity organization that sponsors Children one paired one form northern Ireland and one from Southern Ireland for a summer spent in a American home in an effort to dispel old myths that there is a need for ancient hatreds of their surroundings. All donations of to this group and everyone with WOI donate their time and abilities to many SL projects that are both fun and funny on their sim.


Podioracket is kicking of new episodes every two weeks now with our always ongoing blogs and an anthology that I hope you will all participate in the future if you are not in this volume Titled Podioracket Presents Visionaries.


The Sea Monster Piece for HA is coming along. And I am working on When Ethers Descend.


Welcome to my world!
