Archive for March 1st, 2010

New Short Scotland Burns

Monday, March 1st, 2010

March 7th 9:30 am SLT on Book Island, address 22 Gutenberg Alley, at Quills. Emz Mazie will be taping the next episode of Horroraddicts live in SL! So what makes this any more special than a killer live taping with Emz? Well… Insight is the featured author and her topic is sea monster/lockness. In honore of her release of Scotland Burns we are having a huge event. So what will you miss if you can’t make it?

Scotland Burns will be played during the show, music from  Stephen Cooper and the movie review os Loch Ness Terror 2008. As always Emerain Rick will dazzle us with horror trivia, news and events from around the world.

Costume Contest:  500L prize to the best sea monster/loch Ness costume. That leaves it up to your imagination. Check out the cover for the short Scotland Burns for some hints on other costumes.

Get your picture taken with Nessie in Pulitzer Square while you are waiting for your turn to ride an enormous fire breathing dragon. tour you around the skys of Book Island so you can see it all.  

Also this week there will be:

Insight Zadark podcrafters hours on Monday at both locations. First on Cookie Island  from 12:00-1:oo pm SLT then off to Book Island m 1:00 to 2:00 when we start the reading of the chapter of The Mark of a Druid on the beach!  At 5:00 Pm SLT the podcast of The Mark of a Druid will play also at the beach.

Friday Imarad Breen will be at the  Cookie Island  from 1:00 to 1:30  then off to Book Island m 1:30 to 2:00. 

Sunday is the big event!