Archive for October, 2010

It’s that time of year again Vote for the most wicked

Thursday, October 28th, 2010

The Wicked Women Writers are at it again! You have until Nov 16th to vote for the most wicked woman write who will carry the title Most wicked for 2010!

This year there are more contestants and more stories. The rules were this the theme was the 7 deadly sins. Each of us was given a sin and 30 days to write record edit and produce a audio version of the sin we were assigned. I got LUST! Imagine that! As you can guess this is not a story for the little ones and it is not work safe, you have been warned!

I had a good time with this story and now that I have listened to all 6 of the entries I must say you will have a hard time picking!

Once you have heard them all email with your vote. In the subject line put WWW and your vote goes in the body. One of the voters will win schwag from all of the women!  You can only vote once. The winner will be drawn at random and each writer will send you something.

So pop over to and listen to them all!