Hot Promos
The Fox
By Arlene Radasky
The Fox~ This listener says holly cat fish I need more Kleenex. What a wonderfully moving story about love and sacrifice. Thank you Arlene Radasky for sharing your novel. You can listen to The Fox on,, or
- By Arleen Radasy
Click here to Listen to The Fox Promo!
There are plenty of different formats of this book out there this cover is for the Kendle addition. Click here to hear the promo and go listen on podiobooks, buy it from amazon or get it for your iphone. You wont be disappointed.
Nathan Lowell
Emerian Rich
Edward G. Talbot
Listen to the Promo here and subscribe at or You won’t be disappointed. Have you received your New World Orders?
Omega: Earth’s Hero
By Keith Latch

Thank you Keith for sharing you ongoing work with the world.
So far this sotry has gripped at my heart and I find myself saying
Jeez this is taking the Roswell remnants to a whole new level. Keep up the good work.
If you would like to hear the promo here is the link. Omega:Earth’s Hero
J.D. Sawyer’s Antithisis Book 1
click here to hear the promo!
Talk about hot! But as yet there is no cover art. Don’t let that stop you from listening and catch me doing the story so far for the September 18th 2008. Until then I strongly suggest this story and you can find it at
By Donald O’Donovan
Donald’s Sugar House has just been release on Listen to the promo above. Then go subscribe to this free coming of age story centered around a sweet smelling whore house. Can’t wait to see where this goes.