Welcome all!
Big announcements this week. First The Mark of a Druid is now available in print versions. Click the buy now button to go to Amazon and get your very own copy. If you want to know, more go over to the book site. http://www.themarkofadruid.com. Contest to be announced soon!
There is so much going on that it is hard to talk about it all and not sound like I am tooting my own horn. To be quiet frank, I am thrilled that I have made it this far with my dream of writing professionally.
In February of 2008 I was done hearing that mainstream publishing had no clue how to market the book because it didn’t fit into any of their categories. I was happy that the editors and publishers loved the book, I agreed with them that it needed to be edited, but I was completely disheartened that they were not willing to go out on a limb for an unknown author who did not have a platform. In other words, I wasn’t famous or known enough to create sales with just my name.
I attended a writing conference in Southern California with a dear friend. I left the conference more convinced that I needed to do this myself, but had questions about how to make it happen. My dear friend, Arlene, knew exactly what she wanted when she left the conference. She decided to podcast her novel The Fox and I am very pleased to announce that The Fox, By Arlene Radasky will be a completed podnovel this week on podiobooks.com. Congratulations Arlene, you have worked so hard and your book is out there in full for all to enjoy. I heard there is going to be a print release in the near future too! I love that we both took different routes and ended up in about the same place. Her podnovel is linked on the blog roll of this site. Go subscribe it is a wonderful Celtic story of sacrifice and love, that will warm your heart, bring your tissues. It will be a little sad when I can’t get a new episode of Jahana’s story. But I am looking forward to your new project Sea Hawk.

At the conference, there was a lot of “talk” about how publishing is changing. I listened and wondered where I was going to be in those changes. But I was unsure that I wanted to podcast alone so I decided that I was going to self publish and see if I couldn’t market the book myself, then podcast as an adjunct and a way to build a bit of a platform. I also started blogging and getting involved on net marketing for the books release. Which was this week! I am so enjoying podcasting the story as well! I can’t imagine not podcasting.
I have met so many wonderful people on this journey and here is a new friend. November 3rd on Podiobooks.com William Bostock is releasing “Searching For My Wives.”
Click here to listen to the promo and subscribe for free and listen on your schedule at podiobooks.com.
Imagine how it all began, one and one-half million years ago, this marvelous,
long journey of Humanity.
“Not many protohumans were alive at any time back then, but all of us had souls, and souls persist, and there are souls which lived in hominids in Chesowanja, eastern Africa who have lived among us almost to the present day.”
Some souls, for instance, Shimmer, his wives Sita and Ahalya, Old Shiver,
Gliff, and Silver, work for peace and happiness. Others, though, often driven
by the trickster Murk, despoil, degrade, and kill, intent on dragging Mankind
Life after life, from Kenya to the Ganges, Shimmer fights the old destroyer,
but all the while he tries to find and share lives with his beloved wives.
Come along as Shimmer leads migrations. Relive the waning of the Great Ice
Age and the planetwide disaster. And remember how Old Kingdom Egypt travelled
through a pleat in time to stabilize and rule the riverplains of Northern
Re-experience Murk’s dark campaign to undermine that peaceful land, and once
again respond to Shimmer and Old Shiver’s call to arms and meet the enemy
between two rivers at fabled Kurukshetra.
Come relive Mankind’s infancy in “Searching for My Wives”, at podiobooks.com.
Last announcement!
Click on imgase to hear the promo!
There is a this very neat podshow I ran across because of Twitter. Check it out. I love this show. Can’t get enough of it. Gary and Ruth are doing a fantastic job of sharing the ancient Celtic Myths with all of us. Thanks to you both for doing this. Love it! Tune in at http://celticmythpodshow.com Subscribe by RSS, Zune, iTunes or listen on their site!
Keep Writing, I know I will!
Rhonda R. Carpenter