Posts Tagged ‘Holiday Coupon’

You heard it here!

Saturday, December 18th, 2010

Ahhhhh I won this years WWW Challenge. You can hear the story on and scrolling down to Episode 49 and just below the how to vote instruction episode you will see all six WWW stories mine is the last one and is titled Barring Lilith. The story will be able to be posted here in late spring sorry about that but it is the deal I have with HA.

I am thrilled to have won the votes for this compition. I enjoy working with Emerain Rich on So big thanks to everyone who voted for my story and since I am so late posting this announcement I am coupling it with the Announcement for the coupon that runs to January 1, 2011 for The Mark of a Druid for only .99 cents on www.smashwords.comthe coupon Code is KK77F.

The Mark of a Druid is now available for Iphones and Droid applications. Whoot I can honestly say I didn’t think I would have the first novel out in all formats, but now  I can say it is! Get it everywhere and I mean that. I am writing again. The move set be back but I am working on When Ethers Descend I hope to have it ready by summer 2011 but we will see how editing goes that is always a tough process for me.

I am also working on Truth Slithers which I hope to have done this coming year too. Look for changes in the Podioracket show line up in 2011. I am taking a much needed vacation for the holidays and heading to my mom’s house. So except the next post in 2011! Have a great Holiday Season Everyone!