Posts Tagged ‘trance’

Where to social network? 9 places I am checking out.

Sunday, December 7th, 2008

Where to you social network? 9 places I am checking out.

Photo by Henry Diltz

Welcome Readers!

So what do you think of when you think Horror? Usually not my thing, but I have of late. been enjoying a pod cast called Horror Addicts produced by Emerian Rich. I thought this week I would ask the readers what scares you? Emerian has challenged me to write a horror short for her new season of Which I believe kicked off this weekend! This show is not for children! If you like horror, vampires, zombies, listening to horror addicts can keep you up to date on new and old films and information of what is happening in the Horror community.

Social networking is becoming great fun and I am enjoying meeting all of these new people from all over the world. Were do I go? Well I am checking out many sites to see if they call to me. Here is what I have found.

Tagged… Sucks! I swear I did not get one follower of my over 200 followers that was more than interested in poking me with a silly or provocative message. I closed the tagged account. Yuck. I am married and happily and have been for 20 years so I am not online or networking to get a date.

Twitter… Digging I don’t profess to know how or why it works, but I am having fun and meeting people and not once has anyone hit on me. YES!!!! I am seeing things on the web I would never have seen if not for whom I am following and who is following me. I have actually sold books and built listeners for the podcast which totally rocks and it has been a great way to meet others who are doing interesting and fun things on the web to promote their books or music or art and even there creations and work. I do want to say that is not just about your work but Twitter is about “What are you doing right now in 140 characters.” If you are interested in social networking Twitter is one of my favorites.

Myspace… Well I have a myspace page but I find the format hard to use and a tad frustrating. Granted, because of that I have not spent a ton of time developing contacts there.

Facebook… Well I started out apprehensive about face book. I have since changed my mind. I don’t use any of the give a person a flower or grow your garden widgets basically because I just don’t have time. I field about 3 to 400 emails a days and these emails and actions seem a waste of my time. But I did just recently build a The Mark of a Druid book group to see if it would be an easy way to contact my fans and readers about what is going on. I like the ease of facebook and we will see how far it goes! Sign up for the group to get updates.

Yahoo360… I have been on yahoo of years and find that it is a constant and reliable place to post a blog or update what is happening but they seem to be falling behind the times in what is happening in social networking.

Linkedin… I built a professional deatailed profile from linkedin but I find it hard to use. This week I plan on learn the ins and outs of linked in. I still have not figured out how to tell people how to find me on facebook. But my username is Rhondarcarpenter. And I come up under hypnosis and

Plurk… is also on the list to learn in the next few weeks. Which I totally love! It is a great young community that focuses on your creations. Check it out! My son is showing his artwork there too.

Dig… Hmmm singed up and did nothing with it yet. So add that to the list of things to learn too.… this is really a professional site and while I think it is a great and informative site. I plan on writing some technical information for the site as soon as The Mark of a Druid is complete as an audio book.

I have received several requests to join many scocial networking sites. So this week I will have a look at some of them again but I have to say it is hard to follow and keep up with too many sites at once.

How do you use the net? What do you find helpful and where are you hanging out? Let me know I am always interested in new and fun social networking sites and fun things to do on the web.

Thanks again for all the support and keep the comments coming I am grateful to have them.

Seasons Greetings!

Keep Writing! I Know I Will!

Rhonda R. Carpenter

5 Things You Don’t Want to do While Podcasting

Sunday, November 30th, 2008

Photo by Henry Diltz

Welcome Readers!

1. Never ever tell your computer person that you may be interested in doing some quality video in the near future, because inevitably that will lead to a new this or a better that for your computer. Not that upgrading is a bad thing. Just don’t do it in the middle of a podcast.

2. Never change up your equipment in the middle of the podcast. If your settings are good then stick with it. And if you must do #1 above… Write your setting down!

3. Never loose that editing groove. I’ve found while podcasting The Mark of a Druid that I do much better cranking out a couple of episodes a week. But with the holidays and work demands it is not always easy to do. And because #1 and #2 above happened… I found I had a hard time finding my groove-thing with the editing.

4. Never assume that since the microphone hasn’t changed that it will sound the same after an upgrade. I ran headlong without doing one darn sound check and recorded 4 chapters only to have a hideous buzz that I could not get out… And because #1, #2, #3 above happened… I lost two full nights of recording and it was all my fault.

5. Never give up. Listen, if I can do this podcasting thing and do it from my office and turn out good quality listening, have fun in the process, learn as much as I can every day—then you can do it too.

Bonus #6 On the never do this when you are podcasting list is: Never tell your audience that you will be on time and then be late. Have a reserve. Don’t give away everything all at once unless you can release the whole book in one shot. And yes, I have heard of that being done from a few authors on The idea of a serialized podcasted novel is to let the listener listen at their conveyance either as it comes out or to wait and listen when the entire book has been released. But as a listener here and I listen a lot. I tend to get discouraged when a book is rolling along and I am ready for my weekly fix only to find the author didn’t upload it. Now I know life happens. Heck it happens to us all, but if there is a reserve then the reader doesn’t feel that sense of being forgotten.

In short never ask for more until you are ready and then you will not have to hassle the change until you are ready. That being said I love the new system and the sound is wonderful.

Last announcement! Thanks Gary and Ruth of Celtic Myth Podshow for playing the promo and all your kind words about the book in Episode 18. Love your show!
You can hear it too at Subscribe by RSS, Zune, iTunes or listen on their site!

Keep Writing! I Know I Will!

Rhonda R. Carpenter

Happy Thanks Giving!

Sunday, November 23rd, 2008

Photo by Henry Diltz

Welcome Readers!

What an interesting week, and I mean that in the most sarcastic of ways. My computer went bye bye after installing an upgraded video card. Which made me seriously grateful for several things.

1. My husband is a genius when it come to PC’s. (thank you honey!)
2. I always back up my system off the computers to a server once a month sometime more if I am writing something new. As you would have it that was the case and I had just backed up. So no lost data! Soooo Grateful.
3. I am ahead in the recorded and ready episodes for The Mark of a Druid podcast. Again so grateful.
4. After having some new trouble with my injured right neck, arm, shoulder, arm and hand… a cortisone shot, while it hurt like heck, really helped, just in time for the new system to be up, loaded, and running. Grateful!
5. Which all gave me a really big head start on the holiday decorating! Yes, that is right, the tree is up and the house beautiful. I love the holiday season. Grateful to be here this year.
6. While doing cooking prep for this coming Thanks Giving Feast, I caught up on my listening of my new favorite podcast If you are interested in Celtic lore and myths then you will not want to miss this pod cast. The voices are wonderful it would be great to listen to it with the kids most of the episodes are kid friendly and the ones that aren’t are clearly marks. So I am grateful to Gary and Ruth for their extraordinary efforts to bring us the old tales and some glimpses of newer ones too. This pod cast will become a family tradition of listening for my family. My husband is listening on his commute on disk and two of my sons are listening as well. Grateful to Gary and Ruth for doing the Celtic Myths Pod Show.

This week is all about getting the rough draft of a new horror story for the next season of done, so I can go into edit along with recording new episodes of The Mark of a Druid, for more info. Wednesday family arrives (I here there may be snow!) for the celebration of giving thanks. This tiny touch of a vacation will not stop or slow the releases of the podcast.

This week in promotion: I am also working on press releases and booking one book signing well be scheduled if all goes right and maybe a newspaper article put on the books to go with that signing. I will be twittering and updating some of the new social networks I have joined this week. I am meeting some of the most interesting spirits! Again Grateful!

Now, where am I going to put those 2000 words for Truth Slithers… Here space.. This will likely happen on Friday.

Thanks gain for all the support and keep the comments coming I am grateful to have them.

Happy Thanks Giving!

Keep Writing! I Know I Will!

Rhonda R. Carpenter

The Mark of a Druid is available at

Sunday, November 2nd, 2008

Welcome all!

Big announcements this week. First The Mark of a Druid is now available in print versions. Click the buy now button to go to Amazon and get your very own copy. If you want to know, more go over to the book site. Contest to be announced soon!

There is so much going on that it is hard to talk about it all and not sound like I am tooting my own horn. To be quiet frank, I am thrilled that I have made it this far with my dream of writing professionally.

In February of 2008 I was done hearing that mainstream publishing had no clue how to market the book because it didn’t fit into any of their categories. I was happy that the editors and publishers loved the book, I agreed with them that it needed to be edited, but I was completely disheartened that they were not willing to go out on a limb for an unknown author who did not have a platform. In other words, I wasn’t famous or known enough to create sales with just my name.

I attended a writing conference in Southern California with a dear friend. I left the conference more convinced that I needed to do this myself, but had questions about how to make it happen. My dear friend, Arlene, knew exactly what she wanted when she left the conference. She decided to podcast her novel The Fox and I am very pleased to announce that The Fox, By Arlene Radasky will be a completed podnovel this week on Congratulations Arlene, you have worked so hard and your book is out there in full for all to enjoy. I heard there is going to be a print release in the near future too! I love that we both took different routes and ended up in about the same place. Her podnovel is linked on the blog roll of this site. Go subscribe it is a wonderful Celtic story of sacrifice and love, that will warm your heart, bring your tissues. It will be a little sad when I can’t get a new episode of Jahana’s story. But I am looking forward to your new project Sea Hawk.

At the conference, there was a lot of “talk” about how publishing is changing. I listened and wondered where I was going to be in those changes. But I was unsure that I wanted to podcast alone so I decided that I was going to self publish and see if I couldn’t market the book myself, then podcast as an adjunct and a way to build a bit of a platform. I also started blogging and getting involved on net marketing for the books release. Which was this week! I am so enjoying podcasting the story as well! I can’t imagine not podcasting.

I have met so many wonderful people on this journey and here is a new friend. November 3rd on William Bostock is releasing “Searching For My Wives.” Click here to listen to the promo and subscribe for free and listen on your schedule at

Imagine how it all began, one and one-half million years ago, this marvelous,
long journey of Humanity.

“Not many protohumans were alive at any time back then, but all of us had souls, and souls persist, and there are souls which lived in hominids in Chesowanja, eastern Africa who have lived among us almost to the present day.”

Some souls, for instance, Shimmer, his wives Sita and Ahalya, Old Shiver,
Gliff, and Silver, work for peace and happiness. Others, though, often driven
by the trickster Murk, despoil, degrade, and kill, intent on dragging Mankind

Life after life, from Kenya to the Ganges, Shimmer fights the old destroyer,
but all the while he tries to find and share lives with his beloved wives.

Come along as Shimmer leads migrations. Relive the waning of the Great Ice
Age and the planetwide disaster. And remember how Old Kingdom Egypt travelled
through a pleat in time to stabilize and rule the riverplains of Northern

Re-experience Murk’s dark campaign to undermine that peaceful land, and once
again respond to Shimmer and Old Shiver’s call to arms and meet the enemy
between two rivers at fabled Kurukshetra.

Come relive Mankind’s infancy in “Searching for My Wives”, at

Last announcement!

 Click on imgase to hear the promo!

There is a this very neat podshow I ran across because of Twitter. Check it out. I love this show. Can’t get enough of it. Gary and Ruth are doing a fantastic job of sharing the ancient Celtic Myths with all of us. Thanks to you both for doing this. Love it! Tune in at Subscribe by RSS, Zune, iTunes or listen on their site!

Keep Writing, I know I will!

Rhonda R. Carpenter

A fabulous week for me as a writer!

Sunday, October 12th, 2008

Photo by Henry Diltz

Welcome Readers!

The Mark of a Druid. Is fairing better than I ever expected!

If you haven’t subscribed yet it is free!

You can get The Mark of a Druid, serialized podcast of the novel. here is the page address All of the episodes that are available now on,, Mobli,, Digg, Itunes and other places as well. The Episodes are available at the same time at (usually a few hours before) at under the Episode sections where you can listen to them on the site with no download or download them. I am considering doing an extended version for but have not made up my mind yet how that will work.

And my favorite kind of writing weather is almost upon the mountains where I live. There is nothing better for me than the fog dancing on the forest floor to inspire me to tell a story. Add to that a warm fire in the hearth and the silence that comes with winter in a resort community and it makes my mind wonder in and out of plots and subplots. The voices of my characters call to me to scribe their words and emotions. They scream, “tell my story,” and I must listen.

So you might asked what is the next book? I started a historical fiction novel based on a true story that is about ¼ done called Truth Slithers. And I have the first few chapters of the next book in the The Mark of a Druid Series in the works. The title you ask? Drum Roll Please…. When Ethers Descend.

More about the contest that is coming up. As you may have read the cover of this book is mighty special as there are lots (nope not saying how many yet) hidden images from the book in the artwork. Sometime in the next month we will be launching the contest and I can’t wait. The artist who painted the oil on canvas, Miss Amie Perry will not even tell me all the locations and I have found many of them and she says there are more. Thanks Amie that means I get to play the game too, but I can’t win anything. That just wouldn’t be fair. There will be formal rules and the prizes are very cool. Posters of the cover art, greeting cards and copies of the book all dual autographed by both me the author and Amie the artist. I have my very own Web GOD! Dave from who is full of very cool interactive ideas for the book site and how the contest can be interactive on the web so look for announcements about that as the day gets closer and tons of other cool stuff for the readers to get involved in. I figure if we are going interactive lets take it to a new level.

The Print Version?

I have approved the final cover polish and the print versions hardback and paperback of The Mark of a Druid are in print set up right now. So in a couple of weeks tops I will be holding this labor of love in my hands!!!! Can’t wait! Then it will go live at the iuniverse bookstore website and a few weeks after that we will be announcing the contest and going live on and as well as bookstores and outlets everywhere in the USA. .

If you have been following the progress of the endeavor then you know there has been a lot of work and I am very excited how well it is going. I was checking the stats for hits on Friday of this week and I was shocked. In a good way. 81,219 hits between and and it is not even the half way point yet. So keep coming back and tell a friend. Thank you all so much it feels great to have so much interest.

If you haven’t noticed the blog roll to your right or the Hot Promo page you should take a minute and hear what else is out there. I started Fractured Horizon by H.E. Roulo and I am totally impressed with the story so this may be one you will want to follow if you want a story that is original and read very well by the author. And congratulations H.E. For hitting the The Podiobooks Top Ten #1 slot! For the most downloads in the last 30 days! Great Job! So what are waiting for check it out. You won’t be disappointed. I haven’t been.

As I have been unable to record this week because my oldest son was in a car accident and is in living room recovering from double pelvis fractures. Poor guy! Sorry “G” But no worries I have episodes in reserve for just such a problem. How did I know??? Hey life happens you just need to be as prepared as possible. So if push comes to shove and I hope it doesn’t, I will be good for 4 more weeks of episodes before things get critical. I promise I will do my best not to let the listeners down. I know I have a problem when I get into a book and then all of a sudden there is a gape in installments. So I said I would not do that to my listeners. Hence the reserve!


Okay I have prattled on enough. Remember leave a comment either here or or itunes. It helps and only takes a second you don’t have to tell your real name. But I would so help me to know what you are thinking and what you like or don’t like so I can do this better for the next books. All comments are appreciated.

Keep Writing! I Know I Will!

Rhonda R. Carpenter

Tomorrow is the day! Go subscribe!

Sunday, September 28th, 2008

Photo by Henry Diltz

Welcome Readers!

I am so excited that I have reached this level of production with the book. Tomorrow…

Monday… September 29, 2008

You can get The Mark of a Druid, serialized podcast of the novel. Where you ask? It is going live on Please notice this page is not live until the day of release. Sign up for an account there is no cost involved. At that time you will be able to add My book to your subscriber’s list or any of the others. It is free! And you can snag the promo here! post it to your website send it to your email, chat buddies, put it up on your myspace, facebook and talk about it on twitter and please tell a friend! And let me know if you have a podcast you would like me to promo in reciprocation.

All of the episodes that are available on and soon Itunes and other places are available one week before at under the podcast section where you can listen to them on the site with no download or download them.

Sunday is upload day as well as Blog night. So keep up with what is going on and get your weekly fix of The Mark of a Druid.

So Why Free?

This is completely a personal decision. I know that in my home my husband is more the listener and I am the hold the book in my hands gal, although, I do listen too. As a new author people don’t know about me and this is one of many ways I am getting my name and the story out there. As I move forward with the publication process for the print books I am confident that the free release of the podcast version will build some chatter and help with letting those know that the book is about to be out there in print. The pod casting has been totally fun and educational and I can’t imagine release any book with out using this kind of medium. Like any author, I want people to read or listen and cash dollars while important and graciously accepted for all the long hours of work I simply want to write and be read. So there you have it: 1. It is a marketing tool and 2. It is fun! 3. It has worked for the big boys.

Speaking of Marketing the book and fun! We will be announcing a contest as soon as we have a release date for the print version is given to me so stay tuned for that and the new website for the book going live around the same time there will be so many things to talk about as that gets closer.

Talking about the print versions and E-book versions… This week the cover proofs came in. At the end of the process, I will give a review of the iuniverse’s way of doing business and how my experience went with this self publishing company. All of you authors out there will want to read that when it comes out it promises to be very eye opening and will help you in making the decision as to what company to go with. I am also hoping I can talk Arlene Radasky into reviewing her company as she has made the first steps toward publishing The Fox. Congrats Arlene! The way it is looking it may be about the same time frame. That should perk your ears as she just started. Hmmmm.

The cover proof sheet was retuned to my PSA today and when he arrives tomorrow I should get confirmation that it is received. So another deadline beat by days and the next step after the answering of a couple of questions will be print set up and author proof after that, it is 1 ½ to 2 weeks for the interior and exterior changes to be done and 14 business days to do the print set up with the printers. Ahhhh! Then I will be getting a release date for Barnes and Noble and Amazon and it will be available on Iuniverse first. I am so excited!

This week is about podcasting. Out there tell everyone that the book is available. Market, Market Market. Edit Episode 12 which is almost done and start on Episode 13 which is recorded but not edited. And write the press releases. Scary!

Also this week the book was promoted on J.D. Sawyers Antithesis and Edward G. Tabolt’s New Word Order as well as Emriane Rich’s Horror Addicts. Thank you all for adding my promo. You’re the best! See these authors works in the hot promo section of this site. Very cool stuff.

Keep Writing! I Know I Will!

Rhonda R. Carpenter

Things are moving right along!

Sunday, September 21st, 2008

Photo by Henry Diltz

Welcome Readers!

This week I received the Iuniverse book block. If you have ever been involved in the process of publishing a book then you know that it is all about editing. The book block which is a layout formatted 6×9 PDF of what the book will look like came in on Monday late afternoon. Then it was time for me to get on the stick again. They give authors a 14 day (not business day) window to make any changes to the text, layout and formatting of the book.

By this time in the process you have read, re-read and edited your manuscript several times. And the mind simply doesn’t see that is on the page. I am pleased to say that the podcast recording of the book really helped me find those tiny little things that would jump off the page for a reader. The process of recording and editing the audio allowed me to find 24 errors which over all is not bad considering the print version of the book is over 360 pages.

Here are a couple of things that I found interesting about this process as I went through the book block as it is called. First as an Iuniverse author you must meet certain formatting requirements. All of which the MS met in the beginning of the submission process. But when I got the book block back I was not just looking for my errors, missing punctuation or spelling/text changes and the like, but I had to check what the formatter’s did as well. I was surprised at some of the things that I found that were in the submission I made but not in the book block. Like chapter headings and POV switches that I set with ****. In the process of formatting the book. Two of the chapters were not headed out. This was a touch frustrating for me. And gave me serious doubts as to what else may have changed that I was not catching. I mean seriously if you have a book with 47 chapters would you not make sure you had 47 chapter headings??? Guess not. Then it appear as if there were two people working on the layout as the **** kept switching with no rhyme or reason from one Glyph to another. Neither of which I liked or were related to the premises of the book.

So I spent all week, every spare second going over the book block against my hard copy word by word, line by line. I complete today 8 days ahead of the deadline and I think we will have a really clean book in print. YES!

What is next on the schedule for the print book. I was informed today that I will have cover draft for proof in the next couple of days. That means two layouts one for the hardcover and one for the paperback. This will be my last chance to make any changes to the cover art/text and while this is happening the book block should be being corrected by the Iuniverse formatting staff. Their requirement is up to 2 weeks for this to happen. There are 58 changes to the text and formatting that need to happen I can’t imagine it taking two weeks but I am not their only author. LOL.

Then it goes to the printer for set up at that time they require 14 business days for set up and I will be holding the book in my hand in not long after for the final approval. Then it is available shortly after in the Iuniverse bookstores and a few weeks after that on Barns and Noble, Amazon and other booksellers through the web. How exciting is that?

In that mean time if you have been checking back with the new book site for the book then you have seen that you can get a sneak preview of audio version now! That is right the first 5 episodes are live and you can hear them by running your mouse over the right side of the page and under the category pages you can select podcast link and selecting the episode you would like to listen to. The formal release of the audio book is Drum roll please…

Monday… September 29, 2008

Where you ask? Please notice this page is not live until the day of release. Sing up for an account there is no cost involved. At that time you will be able to add this book to your subscriber’s list. It is free! And you can snag the Promo Here  post it to your website, your myspace, your facebook, your twitter and tell all your friends and even tell your frienemies! Send it to your email and chat buddies.

Last week I told you about the new website. It is still being constructed so check back often we are working on it daily. At this point stay away from the top of the page categories they are funky and I have not figured out how to change them yet and has little time to work on the site this week because of the book block.

Look for the coming blog this week as well: Why free!

We are playing with the idea of having a contest that is centered around the hidden aspects in the cover art. Yes that is right it is not what it seems at first glance. I will be making announcements in the next few weeks about what the prizes and contest rules are.

Keep Writing! I Know I Will!

Rhonda R. Carpenter

We have a release date for the audio book!

Sunday, September 14th, 2008

We have a release date for the audio book!

Photo by Henry Diltz

Welcome Readers!

I received the quality control approval for the serialized pod cast this week and we have a date! I can hardly type I am so excited. Drum roll, please…

Monday… September 29, 2008

Where you ask? Well, here is how it works for me. We will be going live on

Please notice this page is not live until the day of release. Sing up for an account there is no cost involved. At that time you will be able to add this book to your subscriber’s list. It is free! (yes, yes, I know what you’re thinking. We will talk about that in a another post.) And you can snag the promo here!  post it to your website, send it to your email and chat buddies, oh and please, tell a friend!

I am also at present building It is an thrilling time. And by thrilling I mean you just don’t know, when a novice at building sites, if you are going to do it right or if it will work 100% of the time until you work out the bugs—so to speak. Prime example, and totally, not my fault—I might add, both my author sight, got insight? blog and the new site went down early this week and I had to completely rebuild, so you will notice a new look.

Sigh, it was a lot of work and is not complete yet. So bear with, stop back often and know the goal is to get the audio version of the book up live on the new book site one week before they go live on Starting the week after the initial release. But if you sneak in and nab as I am working on it then you may be able to get a preview on the podcast page of site. We are working on a stie player now. No promises. :)

You will get the first 5 episodes on the first day and then one per week until the book is done. Don’t ask how many episodes because I really don’t know today. It looks like there will be around 30.

This is also the week I am supposed to hear form Iuniverse with the Book block for the print version. Nope still don’t have a date on release yet…

Look for the coming blog about why free!


Keep Writing! I Know I Will!

Rhonda R. Carpenter