Posts Tagged ‘wolf’

Everything is a process

Sunday, October 26th, 2008

Welcome Readers!

I really don’t care what it is you are doing it is a process. And while I may not totally enjoy all the steps, one does lead to another and then before you know it you are done and the next project is on the table or desk so to speak. How much thought do you give to your processes? I am a touch of a control freak… I can see my friends rolling their eyes now, “Somewhat, ha.” Okay, I am a control freak. I admit it. I like things the way I like things.

This was really in my face this week when I reached the halfway point in the podcasting of The Mark of a Druid. Yes, that is right, there are enough episodes canned to call it half done. I realized that I was going to be sad when it was over. I am totally having fun with it. Sure there are challenges, a quiet place to record, broken folks to take care of in the house and where to put the extensive editing time I tend to have around seeing clients and writing blogs and dealing with publishing things, marketing and you know, life! But it has really been fun to step out of the comfort zone and do this project in this way.

I have been working in spirits on the sequel but now I can see that I need to for me get it going so that I can podcast it.

The next two weeks will probably give me another good jump of episodes ahead again even though I have been uploading 2 per week instead of the promised 1. We will see if I can keep the pace up. Wish me luck! And keep listening and telling your friends. I want to break the 300 mark in the next two weeks.

The response has been amazing and the comments have been fun keep them coming. We have been holding the #6 and #7 Spot for the most downloads for the last 30 days for over a week. Subscriptions are almost at 200 on podiobooks and Itunes is getting great hits Thank you! Thank you!

This week I need to come up with a new promo for the print release so look for that it should be a lot of fun. Come on Publisher with the release date! The plan is to have all the episodes recorded in about 4 weeks and to keep up the upload/editing schedule I have been on of 1 or 2 a week, if I can, can two a week then I will upload 2 if not then I will upload 1. And the final contest rules need to be written and posted. As soon as I have a date… Grrrr. There will be a big marketing push and then another when we go live on Amazon and B& which I am told takes a few weeks.

A local bookstore is doing book signing were we: The artist and I will be signing copies you can come see the original artwork and see if you can win it in the contest and where I will be giving away a few copies of the book and posters, which by the way came out really cool.

Then the first week of Nov I need to fit in some more writing time. When Ethers Descend is proving to be a riveting read and I can’t wait to jump in with both feet with the process. If you didn’t know I am also writing another story called Truth Slithers. When podcasting is done I plan on working on both the new books at the same time.


So I tend to do well with schedules if you haven’t seen that by now. That is how I corral my processes. Even down to cookie madness weekend. Which by the way, takes place just before or after Thanks Giving. Lorain (a sweet heart of a future daughter in-law) comes up to the mountains and we make cookies for the holidays. And I don’t mean just a few batched. Last year we turned out over 2000 cookies in two days and that did not count the pumpkin bread and rolls which are to so good. We are already planning the attack of the likely 50lbs of flour and sugar we will use. We do new recipes every year and then the ones that are the favorites. All night cookie-athon about to happen here! I can already smell the sweet smells and taste the goodness.


December is when I will get completely serious about turning out mad pages of the new works.  


Keep Writing, I know I will!

Rhonda R. Carpenter